Get ready for spring with a webinar series designed to train those serious about growing and processing specialty herbs with information needed to be successful. UMES Extension’s specialty herb consultant Henriette den Ouden has planned four online classes, March 2, 16, 30 and April 13, from 12-1 p.m., culminating with an in-person field day for webinar participants only on April 30 at the UMES Research and Education Farm.
Topics in chronological order are “Timing is EVERYTHING,” create a yearlong planner, find out when to plant seeds, plugs or roots, know when to plant cover crops and when to improve your soil; “Cover Crops and Growing Roots,” learn how to choose cover crops for your specialty herb farm or garden, learn how to get started, grow and harvest a root crop and how to prepare your soil; “Leafy Herbs and Flowers,” how to start, grow and harvest flowers and leaves; “Processing Roots, Leaves and Flowers from Harvest to Value-added Products,” find out what you need to know to meet food safety and processing regulations. All webinars include examples of marketing and profit estimates related to the topic of the session and conclude with a question and answer period.
“Get Your Hands Dirty” is the theme for the April 30 field day, where attendees of the webinar series can meet in person in the setting of the UMES specialty herb garden to “see, smell, taste, feel and learn about the 20 different varieties there.”
“The group will see an example of a garden design and participate in planting and seeding,” den Ouden said, “They will also learn about tools and how to use them, soil improvement and making products. We promise that it will be fun and tasty!”
Visit www.umes.edu/sans/events to register. For more information or assistance registering, contact den Ouden at hdenouden@umes.edu.
Gail Stephens, agricultural communications and media associate, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, School of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, UMES Extension, gcstephens@umes.edu, 410-621-3850.
Photos by Todd Dudek, agricultural communications, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, School of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, UMES Extension, tdudek@umes.edu