Required Academic Standards

Required Academic Standards

Students enrolled in the UMES Physician Assistant Program must maintain adherence to the program standard of academic performance and professionalism.   To remain in good academic standing, normal academic progress throughout the UMES PA Program requires all students to achieve a minimum 3.0 G.P.A. each semester.

Computation of Grade Point Average

Grade Point Average is the ratio expressed by the sum of the quality points divided by the sum of credits attempted.  Pass/Fail grades are not a component of the Grade Point Average.

The Quality Point Values of Grades are: 

GradeQuality Points per Credit Hours

Progress and Promotion Policies

After admission notification and prior to matriculation, students must meet the following to progress to the didactic phase:

  1. Successfully complete the admission requirements including submission of all required immunizations and proof of health insurance. 
  2. Successfully complete the UMES PA Program Orientation. 
  3. Due to the sequential nature of the curriculum, students must successfully complete all courses for a given semester before becoming eligible to take courses in the subsequent semester.  Students must successfully complete all courses in the didactic phase before they may progress into the clinical phase of the program.   Any exceptions to this must be approved by the Progress and Promotion Committee (PPC).
  4. Supervised Clinical Practice Experiences (SCPEs) offered during the clinical phase of the program do not follow the semester calendar.  Due to timing, as well as complexity of evaluative measures incorporated, student performance is assessed by the CED at the completion of each SCPE to determine progression to the next rotation.   
  5. At the conclusion of each semester, in both the didactic and clinical year, the PPC reviews each student’s academic and professional performance.  Students must be recommended for progression by the PPC to be eligible to take courses in the subsequent semester and continue their progression through the program. In the event a student is identified to be at risk for Academic/Professionalism probation or dismissal at any time during the program, including SCPEs, the PPC may convene more frequently to determine appropriate academic/professionalism intervention.   

Guidelines used to determine progression from semester to semester include the following: 

Semester to Semester Progression – Didactic Phase: 

  • Achieve a minimum overall 3.0 GPA 
  • Achieve a minimum course grades of “C” 
  • Obtain established minimal grades for Observed Standardized Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) 
  • Achieve minimum established score for all formative and summative   evaluations/examinations 
  • Documented demonstration of professionalism 

Progression from Didactic Phase to Clinical Phase:

  • Achieve a minimum overall 3.0 GPA 
  • Achieve a minimum course grades of “C” 
  • Obtain established minimal grades for Observed Standardized Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) 
  • Achieve minimum established score for all formative and summative   evaluations/examinations 
  • Documented demonstration of professionalism 

Please note any grade below “C” within the didactic phase will result in dismissal from the program. 

Clinical Phase to Completion: 

  • Achieve a minimum overall 3.0 GPA 
  • Successfully complete all Supervised Clinical Practical Experiences/SCPEs
  • Two (2) failed clinical rotations will result in dismissal from the program. 
  • Obtain passing grades on all end of rotation examinations (EORE).
  • Achieve minimum established score for all formative and summative evaluations/examinations 
  • Documentation of professionalism 
  • Indicate successful completion of community service hours

For the Clinical Phase of the Program, any failed rotation will automatically result in a delay in graduation, as each failed rotation will need to be successfully completed to meet graduation requirements. Additionally, the student will have to enroll into PHAS 698 Special Topics I to complete (one failed Rotation). If a student fails two rotations (which is the maximum amount allowed), they will have to enroll into PHAS 699 Special Topics II to complete the final rotations. 

Requirements for Graduation

To graduate from the PA Program and earn a Master of Medical Science in Physician Assistant Studies degree, students must: 

  1. Successfully complete all course work according to program defined academic standards including demonstration of meeting all Program Learning Outcomes. 
  2. Successfully pass all components of the summative evaluation. 
  3. Demonstrate they have met the PA Program’s learning outcomes and acquired the competencies needed for entry into clinical PA practice in the following areas: preventative, emergent, acute, and chronic patient encounters; medical care across the lifespan, women’s health, care for conditions requiring surgical management; and behavioral and mental health conditions.  
  4. Submit a completed graduation application to the School of Graduate Studies.
  5. Be in good academic standing. In the event that a student is on academic probation as he/she enters the final semester, he/she must complete the final semester with the required overall G.P.A. of 3.0 to be awarded the degree.  
  6. Be in good professional standing. In the event that a student is on professionalism probation as he/she enters the final semester, he/she must successfully meet program-established conditions prior to the end of the final semester to successfully transition off professionalism probation prior to graduation.  
  7. Complete all requirements for graduation within four (4) years of the original date of matriculation.  
  8. If the student’s time within the Program extends beyond the four (4) year Program completion requirement, the student must obtain approval from the Dean of the School of Pharmacy and Health Professions; and the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies to be cleared for graduation by completing a Petition of Waiver of Regulation for the Department of Physician Assistant Form.
  9. Students who have incomplete grades or failures will not be approved for graduation. All program requirements must be meet before students are approved for graduation/white coat ceremony 
  10. Approval of the Progress and Promotion Committee
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