Background Check and UDS Grievances and Appeals

Criminal Background Check, MD Child Abuse Clearance Check, and Urine Drug Screen Grievances and Appeals Process

If a student feels he/she has been treated unfairly in a matter involving the Criminal Background Check (CBC), MD Child Abuse Clearance Check, and/or Urine Drug Screen (UDS) he/she may appeal that decision to the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies in writing including a date and signature (if e-mail must be from the student’s UMES email account) within seven (7) business days of the rescinded offer or dismissal as a result of a negative CBC or MD Child Abuse Clearance finding or a “non-negative” UDS.  The appeal must include any supporting documents the student wishes to submit.   If the situation is not resolved, the student can appeal to the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs for a final decision. Initial requests sent to anyone other than the Dean will not be considered.  Non-written complaints or written complaints received after the deadline will not be accepted under any circumstance.

A student seeking an appeal for an unfavorable criminal background check or MD child abuse clearance check result will proceed in the stated order in the following table:

Appeal StepMaximum number of business days in each step of the appeals process
Student submits appeal to the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies7
Dean of the School of Graduate Studies rules on the appeal (First appeal level)7
Student submits appeal to the Provost/ VP of Academic Affairs7
Provost/VP of Academic Affairs Rules on the Appeal (Final appeal level)7
The student may request a meeting with the Dean or Provost/ VP of Academic Affairs.

The Dean or Provost/ VP of Academic Affairs will determine whether such a meeting is necessary and will determine any terms of the meeting.    

All parties involved in the appeals process may respond/rule as soon as the ruling/request is received.  

If the person responsible for receiving the appeal is not available, another faculty member or administrator may be designated to function in his/her stead.  

The student, UMES PA Program Director, and the Dean of the SPHP will be informed of the Dean’s and Provost’s decision. 

If program/university cannot make decisions within the seven (7) business days due to extenuating circumstances (including but not limited to illness, seeking legal counsel, or request for additional information), such delay will be documented in an e-mail that will be sent to the student and the time extended accordingly. In such cases, all reasonable efforts will be made to expedite the process to reach a final decision.  

The student, UMES PA Program Director, and the School of Graduate Studies will be informed of the Dean’s and/or Provost/VP of Academic Affairs’ decision.   
Maintenance of Records and Confidentiality  
A record of the student’s completed criminal background check and MD Child Abuse Clearance check requirement will be placed in the student file. Student health records are kept confidential and not accessible by the Program or Program Faculty, except for immunization and screening results, which may be maintained and released with written permission from the student.
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