Gender-Based Violence Prevention Trainings

In an effort to raise awareness about gender-based violence and to create a campus environment that is safe and conducive to learning and working, the UMES B.R.A.V.E. Project offers prevention education related to Dating/Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking. Prevention Education from the B.R.A.V.E. Project is targeted to students.

Below is a list of available offerings. We are also able to develop programs specific to the needs of your group. To inquire about a training, please call 410-651-7995 or email

Healthy Relationships

In this interactive workshop, participants will focus on the components of healthy/unhealthy relationships. This workshop will share information and resources on the warning signs of a harmful relationship; how to assess for and respond to relationship abuse; how to create and maintain healthy relationships; and how to create a safe space for dialogue.

Time: 45 minutes – 1 hour | Audience: Students

Domestic Violence 101

Participants in this workshop will learn about the dynamics of intimate partner violence including warning signs, tactics that an abusive partner may use, and the cycle of power and control. Valuable information will be provided on how to help someone or yourself if in an abusive situation and what services are available to help.

Time: 30-40 minutes | Audience: Students

Bringing in the Bystander

This workshop teaches participants how to safely intervene during a potentially harmful situation. Active bystanders have the potential to stop physical and sexual violence before it occurs.

Time: 1.5 hours | Audience: Students


This workshop on consent provides a balance between interactive conversations on sexual boundaries and education on defining consent, recognizing sexual violence, and the prevalence of it.

Time: 30 minutes | Audience: Students

Stalking on Campus: Know It, Name It, Stop It

This workshop focuses on the dynamics of stalking including defining stalking and identifying stalking behaviors. Participants will be provided information and strategies to help them identify stalking and support others who may be victims.

Time: 40 minutes – 1 hour | Audience: Students

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