About Us

Department Mission

The mission of the Department of Criminal Justice is to prepare students for careers in a variety of criminal justice – related settings. The program is also designed to prepare its graduates to enter masters level programs in criminology and criminal justice.


The goals of the Department of Criminal Justice are two-fold:

  1. to provide a broad academic background for students in the area of criminal justice – thereby providing greater employment and graduate school opportunities and
  2. to provide criminal justice practitioners with pertinent college courses to assist them in public service.


The specific objectives of the Criminal Justice program are to develop in each student:

  • an understanding of the principles underlying the functions of the criminal justice system and its relationship to the larger society in which it is embedded;
  • the ability to think clearly, independently, and critically about the fundamental issues in criminal justice;
  • the ability to do research, analysis and writings about criminal justice issues;
  • the foundations necessary for graduate study, and for careers in the field of criminal justice

Undergraduate Program | Graduate Program

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