First Year Living And Giving Summer Honors Immersion Program

Set Sail on FLAGSHIP!
This will be your opportunity as new incoming freshmen/transfer students to become prepared for your next adventure at UMES! FLAGSHIP is designed to introduce you to the academic structure, provide opportunities to foster meaningful academic and social connections and inspire you to take ownership of your academic journey.
Students who signup for FLAGSHIP will be eligible to attend a 5-day Civil Rights Tour as a part of Honors 101: Selves and Others mandatory course for first-year honors students.
We set sail on Sunday, August 13 and disembark on Sunday, August 20, 2023. Don’t miss the boat – save your spot by registering today by REGISTERING HERE. Your student account will be charged a non-refundable payment of $200 at the completion of FLAGSHIP. The program cost is $1,000 per student and you will be charged the full amount if the student does not complete the full week of activities. Once we receive your registration form. DEADLINE is July 14, 2023.

FLAGSHIP is designed to introduce scholars to the UMES academic structure, provide opportunities to foster meaningful academic and social connections and inspire you to take ownership of your academic journey, while ensuring a successful transition to your collegiate career. The program offers an introduction to two credit-bearing courses (Math 101/109 and HONORS-101 “Selves and Others”); intense daily workshops designed to prepare you for collegiate studies; professional development; social activities; and educational excursions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I bring all of my belongings when I arrive on campus on move-in day of FLAGSHIP?
Yes, you can if your housing assignment is in Harford Hall for the academic year. If you have been assigned to another residence hall we strongly recommend to bring a few items and bring the remainder of you things when orientation is in full swing the following week.
Do I need to attend the entire program?
Yes, you do need to attend all program classes, workshops and activities to be able to receive the discounted rate of $100 per student. If a student decides to leave or not attend programs, their student account will be charged $800 which is what it costs per student to attend FLAGSHIP.
Can my family attend the opening dinner on Sunday, August 13?
Yes, they can attend but you must include their name(s) and any dietary restrictions to the registration form.
Can my family come visit with me during the week of FLAGSHIP?
It is not recommended that your family comes to campus during the week. We have students engaged in programs and activities throughout the entire day.