Public Listening Session on Maryland Animal Feeding Operations Permit

The Maryland Department of the Environment will hold a listening session Sept. 23 at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore to receive public input on the next version of a statewide general permit that regulates animal feeding operations.

The session at UMES will be held from 5-8 p.m. in the Henson Center Ballroom.

It is one of four sessions planned by MDE with others to be held in Easton and Frederick in-person, and online on Oct. 24.

“We have added an opportunity for public comment before a draft permit is written to maximize transparency for all stakeholders, including farmers and nearby communities,” said Secretary of the Environment Serena McIlwain. “The goal is to develop a permit regulating animal feeding operations that is fair for everyone and ensures healthy products as well as healthy communities.”

Pursuant to the federal Clean Water Act, regulated operations include large poultry houses, dairy farms, cattle operations and other agricultural operations that confine animals. The current general permit was issued in 2020 with an expiration date of July 7, 2025. Stakeholders will have additional opportunities to comment on actual permit provisions when the draft permit is expected to go to public comment early next calendar year.

The regulations and general discharge permit for these facilities are part of a comprehensive statewide effort to address all sources of pollution that can impair Maryland waterways and the Chesapeake Bay. 

WHEN: Monday, Sept. 23, 5-8 p.m.

WHERE: Richard A. Henson Center Ballroom, 30690 University Blvd S., Princess Anne, MD 21853

MORE INFO: Go to Maryland Department of Environment website

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