Cuenca, Spain Photos

Cuenca, Spain
May 26 – June 25, 2024

A cohort of UMES students were immersed in Spanish language and culture during their month-long academic program in Cuenca, near Madrid. Students lived with Spanish families. They studied intensive language courses with local professors and Spanish Studies in Translation with Dr. Champagne.

Every evening students participated in authentic cultural experiences. They visited several art museums and galleries, Paleontology Museum, History and Archaeology Museum, and many historical sites, from the Roman, Arabic, Medieval, and Renaissance eras. They kayaked on the Huécar River, enjoyed Júcar and Huécar River Beaches, hiked up several canyons and mountain trails, and ate tapas in several restaurants, including a cave.

Recent immersive experiences include the Museum of Abstract Art, Museo de Arte Abstracto, recognized as one of the best modern art museums in the world. The collection is housed in 14th century casas colgadas, hanging houses built into the walls of a canyon. They are protected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Students enjoyed four art activities directed by an excellent museum guide and artist. 

Eduardo Santos exemplifies the host family experience. His host family’s grandfather and uncle are famous ceramicists. The former and current kings of Spain and several museums have their artwork. 

The whole family welcomed Eduardo as a family member, to their gallery, excursions to waterfalls and national parks, pools, and picnics. They hope that he returns to live with them next year. The mother, a Spanish and French teacher, wants Eduardo to teach at her school.

Students explored the region during weekend excursions to Toledo and Madrid. They will share their immersive international educational experiences with their peers next semester. Several students will return to Spain and study and do business internships next year at the north coast campus in A Coruña, Galicia.

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