Job Search Materials

“We Help Hawks Carve their Future”

We are the premier provider of thousands of informational video interviews featuring industry professionals through an easy to use website. Our site is dedicated to providing the inside scoop on careers as well as advice that will give you an edge in your job search. Find your passion and land your dream job today!

 Buzz File is the most advanced company information database. Buzz File has mapped dozens of college majors to the specific companies and industries that employ graduates of those majors.  Students can find the companies they are looking for, discover unlisted job opportunities, and enhance their chance of finding their dream job. With Buzz file UMES students can… thousands of companies for each major, while also acquiring their dream job .This data base can be found under Career Tools-employers by major.

Download and print out the following important resources for successfully completing your job search while here at UMES. For more information, please feel free to contact the Career & Professional Development Center at 410.651.6447.

Other Career-Related Resources

Jobted – Find jobs from all career sites in the US. Search now!

 There are over 800.000 job offers on Jobted and the number keeps on growing.  Jobted aggregates job vacancies from all career sites, job boards and recruitment agencies and organises that information to make it accessible and useful.(  There are over 800.000 job offers on Jobted and the number keeps on growing. There are also many offers for jobs in mathematics. ( You can also find a new salary section updated to 2022 on this site. (

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