Enhancement Program

Enhancement Program

The enhancement program consisted of written communication and critical thinking components interweaved with transportation activities and studies, English, Mathematics and Science sessions. The English, Mathematics and Science courses were geared towards preparation of the students for taking the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). The lesson plans for each module are shown below:



  • Introductions with sharing of important thoughts, goals, etc.
  • Agree/disagree activities as anticipatory sets
  • Teacher beatdown on Youtube or CNN news (write news article)who? what? when? where? why?how?
  • Bluford series  by Townsend Press as reading material
  • Man idea based on Bluford- read a chapter- Record main idea, author s viewpoint, tone, writing style
  • Jump off for writing and research (domestic violence, gangs, abuse, unemployment, economic crises within different cultural groups, etc.)
  • Vocabulary activities to develop proper vocabulary for writing- from PDK conference
  • Persuasive writing- Standard English- do I need it?
  • Narrative and Expository writing explored
  • Charting sharing ideas via chart paper

Week One

Introduction to writing

            Process and importance

Week Two

Types of writing

Selection of topics

Week Three


Week Four

Publishing and Presentation


 Week One

 Operations with Fractions (Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide)

Order of Operations (PEMDAS)

Operations with Integers (Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide)

Solving Simple Equations

 Week Two

 Solving Two-Step Equations

Solving Equations using the Distributive Property

Solving Equations with the Variable on Both Sides

Solving Proportions

Week Three

Squares & Square Roots

The Pythagorean Theorem

The Right Triangle & its Six Trigonometric Ratios

Geometry – Angles formed when Parallel Lines are Cut by a Transversal

Week Four

 Continued work on Squares & Square Roots

Area Formulas

Isosceles Triangle & Exterior Angle Theorems

Sum of Angles in a Triangle & in a Quadrilateral

Goals For Next Year

 (1) To include more application problems into each lesson – Want to tie more lessons with the different modes of transportation

(2) Continue to use technology to enhance instruction (Include more calculator & computer activities)

(3) Find ways to get our older students to work as hard as our younger students –

Our elementary & middle school students worked well all session long


The following classroom routine was the lesson plan for Science-in-Action:

Attendance Sheet was circulated as a tool for student immediate participation and inclusion in the classroom.

Warm-Up was a question or fill-in-the-blank statement given at the start of each class session to engage the student in science.

Topic Review was a summary of the topic(s) discussed in the previous class session.

Lessons were the science concepts and principles discussed along with their relationship to the transportation industry. These topics included but were not limited to:

  • Motion
  • Velocity
  • Speed
  • Acceleration
  • Force
  • Gravity
  • Friction
  • Mass
  • Matter
  • Falling  Objects
  • Air Resistance
  • Energy

Enhancement Activities included written passages that the students were required to read and answer multiple choice questions, testing for comprehension (in a timed fashion). Students were also drilled on giving a proper handshake and self-introduction .

see below some constructive comments regarding improving next year s initiatives and overall program:

The Opening Ceremony and Introductions should include refreshments (coffee, cold drinks and pastries/cookies).

  1. Early notification of the starting date and program schedule.
  2. Early availability of supplies, materials and equipment.
  3. Full access to science/chemical laboratory.
  4. A more sterile lecture room. Room 120 with the computer terminals proved to be too distracting for topic instruction.
  5. The Closing Ceremony should likewise include refreshments . Should also be held in a room more accommodating for the parents.
  6. Staff should be presented with Certificates of Appreciation .
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