IR-4 Northeast Region

UMES is housing the IR-4 Project Northeast Region. Interregional Research Project Number 4(IR-4) is a USDA-funded national research program that facilitates the registration of safe and effective chemical and bio-based pesticides for fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, ornamentals, and other specialty crops and for minor uses on major crops like corn, soybean, cotton, wheat, and other small grains. Pests do not discriminate between major crops and specialty crops. While the crop protection industry focuses its research on major crops, such as corn, cotton, and soybeans, growers of specialty crops are often left with fewer tools for effectively and safely managing pests. IR-4 conducts required research to meet this important need.

IR-4 works directly with crop growers, registrants of crop protection products, and other members of the specialty crop community to develop data required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for the registration of pest management tools for specialty crops. IR-4 also supports the registration of minor or specialty uses on major crops.

Without IR-4’s work, there would be an increased risk of crop losses from pest damage, resulting in higher costs and decreased availability for consumers.

The IR-4 Project is technology-neutral and committed to meeting the changing needs of specialty crop growers. Through advisory boards, workshops, and strategic planning, new programs and initiatives have been added to assist specialty crop growers with their unique needs.

IR-4 research takes place at many land grant universities and USDA Agriculture Research Service facilities across the country. Regional field offices and state liaisons also work with local growers to identify safe and effective solutions for pest management.

Growers can submit requests for pesticide registration in specific specialty crops for residue, and integrated solutions requests must be submitted by no later than Friday, August 12, to be considered for the 2022 Food Use Workshop at

If you need assistance with the request, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Simon Zebelo
Northeast Region Director
Marylee Ross
Northeast Region Field Coordinator
(410) 742-8788 x310
Megan James
Northeast Region Field Coordinator Assistant
(410) 742-8788 x317
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