PGA Golf Management Student Association

PGA Golf Management Student Association (PGMSA)

All UMES PGA Golf Management students are required to join the PGMSA and the fee for joining the PGMSA is charged every semester.  The PGMSA is run and organized by PGA Golf Management students. The PGMSA will elect a slate of officers for each academic year.  A Board of Directors will be selected with representatives included from each year’s cohort.  All elected officers and members of the Board of Directors must be in good standing with both the University and the PGA Golf Management Program.

The PGMSA will provide both social and leadership opportunities for students within the PGA Golf Management Program.  The members will primarily be responsible for scheduling and conducting golfing events for PGA Golf Management Program students.  The PGMSA is responsible for creating its own tournament program, as well as keeping students involved in various PGA initiatives such as Play Golf America, and community service projects.  The PGMSA will be responsible for conducting a minimum of six tournaments per semester, where each student must compete in at least two, and will determine its tournament policies with the help and support of the PGA Golf Management staff.  The PGMSA is encouraged to participate in at least one community service activity each semester which may take place either on or off campus.  The community service activity does not have to be golf-related. 

The PGA Golf Management Student Association leadership will also serve in an advisory role to the PGA Golf Management Program.  The PGA Golf Management Program Director will meet with the officers and Board of Directors at least once each semester.  The Internship Coordinator will act as the Faculty Advisor for the PGMSA and attend meetings.  The meetings will be used to solicit input from the students, with the goal of improving the overall PGA Golf Management Program experience for students.  Participation in the PGMSA is mandatory.  Students that miss more than one meeting per semester will be placed on probation (refer to Probationary Standards).

Academic Honesty

All students are subject to the University Student Code of Conduct.  The Code is found in the University of Maryland Eastern Shore Student Handbook.  Student conduct is also subject to the Code of Ethics as found in The PGA of America’s Constitution.

PGA University Students who engage in academic misconduct will be subject to a penalty of up to two (2) years.  The penalty may vary based on a review of the severity of the misconduct determined by both PGA Education and the represented PGA Golf Management University Program.  This policy applies to misconduct on PGA testing, work experience portfolio activities, and the Playing Ability Test (PAT).

Students deemed to have violated this policy will receive a letter from the PGA of America outlining the penalty and the official date in which the penalty will be lifted.  A copy of the letter will be kept on file at the PGA of America and shared with the PGA Golf Management University Director.

Behavior and Sportsmanship

All UMES PGA Golf Management students are expected to be excellent ambassadors of the program and of the University.  Any unprofessional behavior or unsportsmanlike conduct can result in loss of playing privileges, expulsion from the UMES PGA Golf Management Program, and expulsion from the University.

Program Completion Timeline

A University of Maryland Eastern Shore PGA student has eight years to obtain PGA membership from the first day of registration into the PGA Golf Management Program.  The first day of registration is defined as the day after the Qualifying Level Test has been successfully completed.


All UMES PGA Golf Management Program students are subject to the provisions of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore PGA Golf Management Policies & Procedures Manual, the University of Maryland Eastern Shore Handbook, and the University of Maryland Eastern Shore Student Code of Conduct.

Probationary Standards

Members of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore PGA Golf Management Program will be placed on PGA Golf Management Probation at the beginning of an academic semester due to any one of the following:

  • A cumulative grade point average less than 2.0.
  • Failure to hand in the appropriate work experience activities on due dates.
  • Failure to attend Player Development Program as required including the required two PGMSA tournaments and two lessons per semester.
  • Not attempting the PAT, a minimum of once in year one and twice per year thereafter, until the PAT has been successfully passed.
  • “No-Show” at a scheduled PAT.
  • As a PAT passer, not participating in the required two PGMSA tournaments per semester.
  • Missing two or more PGMSA meetings.
  • Outstanding fees payable at the Great Hope Golf Course, Nutters Crossing Golf Club, any other participating golf courses, or at the PGA Golf Management Office, including checks returned for insufficient funds.
  • Disruptive or disrespectful behavior either in the classroom or on the golf course.  Disrespectful behavior includes poor conduct and appearance at any UMES PGA Golf Management meeting/workshop or at any golf course.  All incidents of disruptive or disrespectful behavior will be carefully investigated by the UMES PGA Golf Management Director before probation status is invoked.
  • Probationary status may be invoked for the violation of any one of these probationary standards.
  • Students on probation will not be allowed to participate in the Jones Cup, Carolinas Cup, PGA Works Collegiate Championship, PGA Leadership Series, attend any MAPGA meetings or functions, order equipment/merchandise from vendors, or receive program paraphernalia.

During PGA Golf Management probation, the following restrictions apply:

  • To begin an internship assignment, a PGA Golf Management student who is on probation during that spring semester must satisfy all conditions for removal from probation by May 25th in order to receive credit for the co-op assignment.  Once an internship has been arranged, the student is obligated to attend the internship and will be required to make up the effort for credit at a later date.  This restriction applies to both academic credit and time credits toward the 16-month co-op requirement to satisfy PGA Golf Management degree requirements.
  • Students whose GPA falls below 2.00 will lose their PGA Golf Management Program sponsored golfing privileges at alternate golf courses for the following semester.  Privileges at the home course will be extended solely to continue Player Development activities.  These privileges will not be reinstated until the student’s overall GPA returns to 2.00 or above.
  • Students on PGA Golf Management probation cannot graduate until the probation status has been resolved.
  • Students on PGA Golf Management probation will not be eligible for PGA Golf Management Scholarships.

Dismissal from the PGA Golf Management Program

The PGA Golf Management Program is a rigorous, demanding program intended for motivated students.  UMES PGA Golf Management students will be expected to make steady, satisfactory progress throughout their stay at the University.  Satisfactory progress is defined as maintaining a minimum GPA of 2.00 while making steady progress toward completing their degree requirements.  If a student has two consecutive semesters with a cumulative GPA below 2.00, they will be considered for removal from the program.  PGA Golf Management Program students will also be expected to make steady progress toward completing their PGA membership requirements as outlined in the Retention and Cohort Requirement sections.

The PGA requires all PGA Golf Management students to progress through the PGA Golf Management Program as a cohesive unit.  Students are expected to meet UMES PGA Golf Management Program milestones with their cohort class.  Any deviations from the cohort schedule must be approved by the PGA Golf Management Director, and then only under exceptional circumstances.  Those students who are not able to meet the academic and playing requirements of the program will ultimately need to be dismissed.  These students will be counseled and it will be suggested they transition into a pure Hospitality and Tourism Management major. 

Additionally, unsatisfactory performance during a PGA Golf Management Program sponsored internship may be grounds for removal from the program.  Unless a student performs a grievous act, they will be formally counseled and given the opportunity to correct any academic or PGA training shortcomings.  These counseling sessions will be documented in the student’s permanent folder. 

The following reasons are grounds for dismissal from the PGA Golf Management Program at UMES:

  1. Less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA for two consecutive semesters
  2. Probation within the PGA Golf Management Program for two consecutive semesters
  3. Not participating in a PAT, a minimum of two times per year until it has been passed. First year students must participate in at least one PAT during their first year of enrollment in the program
  4. Failure to pass the PGA Playing Ability Test by Level 3
  5. Committing a grievous act while on internship which results in termination
  6. Any behavior which is considered unethical by The PGA of America or to be a violation of the Code of Ethics as found in the PGA Constitution
  7. Failure to attempt retake exams within the six-month allotment period will result in the student being dropped from the roster by the PGA of America
  8. Failing the same exam four times will result in removal from the roster by the PGA of America
  9. Not passing the Q-Level exam within the six-month allotment period will result in the student being dropped from the roster by the PGA of America
  10. Not participating in the PDP or playing in the required number of tournaments for a full academic year will result in the student being dropped from the roster by the PGA of America

Additionally, all UMES students are subject to the UMES academic policies and procedures, the University Code of Conduct and student discipline.  The Code is found in the UMES Student Handbook and can be viewed at

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