Campus Security Policy

Prevention Education

The Department of Public Safety distributes materials specific to UMES campus safety at the Enrollment 101 presentations and New Student Orientation. Flyers are also posted throughout the campus and copies of the safety materials may be requested from the Department of Public Safety or downloaded from the Public Safety website. In addition to the UMES specific safety information, publications recommended by the National Crime Prevention Council and by Maryland Crime Watch on various topics, including general crime prevention, sexual assault/date rape, awareness, self-protection and operation I.D. are available via the Public Safety website and in the Campus Police office. Information is also provided to the University community through lectures, videos, bulletins and workshops conducted throughout the academic year. Officers are available to give presentations on a number of public safety topics as requested.

Emergency Response Plans

The UMES Crisis Management Committee routinely meets to review, exercise and critique the University’s emergency response plans. The plans are published and available from the Department of Public Safety upon request or may be found on the UMES Public Safety Website. Questions or clarification regarding the published plans may be made through the Department of Public Safety at 410- 651-6590.

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