Dismissal Policy

Dismissal Policy

A student may be dismissed from the UMES PA Program for the following reasons:

  • A ≥ one (1) final course grade of “F” in the didactic year
  • Unsuccessful remediation on the Summative I Examination
  • Unsuccessful remediation on the End of Curriculum Examination
  • Unprofessional misconduct as determined by the PPC
    • Unprofessional behavior that poses a threat to the standards of orderly operation, scholarship, and conduct
    • Violations of the principles related to academic integrity and plagiarism as outlined by UMES Student Code of Conduct
    • Gross violations of professional conduct
  • Non-adherence to academic/professional improvement plans
  • Inability to meet the academic standards of the Program
  • Inability to meet the technical standards of the Program
  • Inability to successfully pass a SCPE after remediation
  • Behavior that poses a threat to the mental or physical well-being of self and others

The DED or CED will meet with the student to discuss his/her circumstances which contributed to the student’s poor performance and then refer the student to the PPC for review WITH A RECOMMENDATION FOR DISMISSAL FROM THE PROGRAM pursuant to PA Program’s policy outlined in the PA Program handbook. The PPC will review the student’s overall progress, the instructors’ evaluation of the student in the course(s) involved and all other applicable information. After completing its review, the PPC will:

  1. Formally dismiss the student from the program,
  2. Offer deceleration when appropriate; and
  3. Refer the student to the Office of Student Affairs for academic retention, career and mental health counseling.

Dismissal of a student from the program has final determination by the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, including permanent dismissal without readmission eligibility and dismissal appeal with consideration for deceleration reinstatement. Recommendations and outcomes will be documented in the student file. PA students and other unauthorized persons will not have access to the student’s file.

Note: A student who receives a grade of “F” or below during the Didactic Phase or Clinical Phase will be ineligible to re-apply for re-admission into the UMES PA Program.

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