JOIN US Friday, May 21 at 10:00 AM for the Keynote Speakers, William Germano and Kit Nicholls, co-authors of the book SyllabusThe Remarkable, Unremarkable Document That Changes Everything.

NOTES ON Syllabus: “William Germano and Kit Nicholls take a fresh look at this essential but almost invisible bureaucratic document and use it as a starting point for rethinking what students―and teachers―do. What if a teacher built a semester’s worth of teaching and learning backward―starting from what students need to learn to do by the end of the term, and only then selecting and arranging the material students need to study?”

“Thinking through the lived moments of classroom engagement―what the authors call “coursetime”―becomes a way of striking a balance between improv and order. With fresh insights and concrete suggestions, Syllabus shifts the focus away from the teacher to the work and growth of students, moving the classroom closer to the genuinely collaborative learning community we all want to create.”

– Princeton University Press

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