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ABR Rule:

Each FRS 6 digit account has an ABR rule associated with it that determines which budget pools will supply budget to which subcodes.


An FRS account is a six digit number representing a functional unit. May be either a General Ledger or a Subsidiary Ledger account. A FRS Account is a UMES Computer Center Mainframe Account.

Account Control:

Another expression for subcode, especially when used with General Ledger accounts.


Expenses or revenues posted to an account.


One of a number of fields used to describe an account. These fields may be used for reporting. Examples include: department number, responsible person name, and award sponsor.

Automatic Budget Reallocation (ABR):

The process by which a pooled budget is moved to cover expenses and encumbrances at the time they are posted to a specific subcode



A control mechanism to track real time posting of a group of financial transactions.


Budget Balance Available.


The authority to spend up to the specified amount.

Budget Pools:

FRS subcodes, usually at the (e.g. 1000, 2000, 3000) that hold the budget for a range of subcodes to use by the ABR process.

Budget Balance Available:

The amount that can be spent on a Purchase Order. If there is negative budget balance available on an expenditure subcode, the account is overspent.


Claim on Cash:

Represents the amount of actual cash the account owns. Since there may be assets or liabilities affecting claim on cash, you should check your fund balance to determine what funds you have access to. Claim on Cash is recorded under Subcode 1100 in the GL account.



Compound Journal Entry:

A transaction that post more than one debit or credit.


Data Collect Screens:

These allow the user to enter numerous transactions and update the database at a later time.  Transactions are held in a temporary file prior to the specified posting time.


Closes an account. No further entries can be made to a deleted account.

Delete Flag:

Logically removes account from the database while maintaining it for audit purposes. An account with the delete flag on is not removed from the database until year-end processing.

Department Code:

Another expression for Department Number.

Department Number:

Usually the 5 digit number assigned to each department by the Financial Accounting Data Base Department Table.

Department Table:

An organizational table that lists Department Numbers and their related campus, school, and executive level codes.


Messages that describe the results of processing.

Dollar Data:

 A record of the dollar amount and the type of financial transactions posted to an account.



An amount committed by Purchase Order or Travel Authorization to be spent that has not yet been paid.

Entry Code:

Mandatory for all FRS transactions, these codes are the first three digits on a transaction. They are predefined by the system. They uniquely identify the transaction type: for example, TC=030-039 is a cash receipt; TC=020 is an original budget, etc., also called Transaction Code.


Items which cost at least $1,000.00, and will be used for at least 3 years.

Expense Subcode:

SL related subcode for trading expenditures. Starts with a number other than zero. The groups of expense subcodes are: Salaries/Wages (1xxx); Labor & Assistants/Fringes (2xxx); Communication (32xx); Travel (33xx); Food (34xx); Fuel (35xx); Vehicle Oper/Maintenance (36xx); Contractual Services (37xx); Contractual Services – DP (38xx); Supplies & Materials (39xx); DP Supplies (40xx); Equip Replacement  Non DP (41xx); Equip Replacement DP (42xx); Equip Additional -Non Capital (43xx); Equip Additional -Capital (44xx); Grants/Contracts (4590); Fixed Charges (49xx); Land/ Structures (5xxx); and Depreciation & Amortization (56xx).


Fiscal Account:

Has a year-end flag of F. For SL accounts, revenues and expenses are set to zero at the beginning of each fiscal year and new budgets are established.


Temporarily halts activity in an account. May be done in preparation to deleting an account.

FRS Account:

An account on the UMES/UMCP Mainframe. Required for access to FRS. Also called FRS ID.

FRS Plus:

The current version of the Financial Records System sold by SCT Corporation. The current version number is 3.00. Replaces FAS at UMES.

Fund Addition:

An increase in fund balance recorded in a GL. The GL fund addition subcodes have 4 as the first digit.

Fund Balance:

The balance in a GL account, recorded in a subcode beginning with 3 (3xxx). The fund balance reflects the net SL revenues and expenses, and GL fund additions and deductions through the life of the GL account and its associated SL accounts.

Fund Deduction:

A decrease in fund balance recorded in a GL. GL fund deductions subcodes have a 5 as the first digit.

Fund Group:

 A related collection of funds (6-digit GL accounts). Examples include Current Unrestricted, Current Restricted, Loan, Endowment, Plant & Agency. Fund groups are often subdivided further.


General Ledger:

In FRS, a six digit account beginning with a zero that contains balance sheet information and summaries of fund addition, fund deductions, and SL revenues, expenditures, encumbrances, and budgets. Each SL maps to a General Ledger (GL) account. The initial zero of the General Ledger account is sometimes dropped, leaving a 5 digit account, sometimes called a map code.


General Ledger Account.


A system edit which checks each new 10-digit account created, against a table which specifies valid combinations of 6-digit accounts and subcodes.

Grant Account:

An account managed by the Grants & Contracts Office. These accounts are usually project accounts. More precisely, an account funded by a grant from an outside agency, in contrast to an account funded as a result of a contract with an outside agency.



Journal Entry. A transfer between accounts or subcodes made by the Comptroller Office. Also used to denote transfers between State mandated funds (e.g. 3710 and 3730).


Journal Voucher. A transfer between accounts or subcodes made by the Comptroller Office. Usually an internal UMES transfer that does not need to be reported to the State.



Usually, the first digit of an FRS account. The different ledgers represent different kinds of funds.

Liquidated Amount:

The amount paid to a vendor or a Purchase Order.


Map Code:

The General Ledger account which is associated with an SL account. Sometimes written without the initial zero.


A portion of the Financial Records System which is divided into four modules: Financial Accounting (FA), Accounts Payable (AP), Fixed Assets (FX) and Purchasing.


Object Code:


Operator Number:

Four digit number assigned to each person who has access to FRS. There is a password associated with each operator.



The Principle Investigator for a grant or contract. The PI is usually the Responsible Person for the account associated with the Grant or Contract.

Project Account:

An account for which expenses must be tracked over multiple fiscal years.


A month-end automatic journal entry whereby the system analyzes dollars in a predefined combination of accounts, and then it debits a predefined 10-digit account and credits a predefined 10-digit account with a predefined percentage or fixed dollar amount of the dollars analyzed. Indirect cost expense is an example of a proration.


Responsible Person:

The person who is responsible for managing an FRS account.

Revenue Subcode:

An SL Subcode beginning with a zero that records University revenues.



Student Accounts Receivable System.

Six Digit Account:

Either SL or GL account. contracts with 10 digit account, combining the 6-digit account and subcodes in one number.


Subsidiary Ledger Account.

Split Encumbrance:

An encumbrance which applies to several accounts.

Spending Authority:

A budget is set up in an account to set the amount that may be spent in an account. The spending authority level may reflect expected revenues/self supporting accounts.


A four digit number used to classify entries made to 6 digit accounts. There are GL and SL subcodes. GL subcodes separate the various assets and liabilities tracked by the University, and record the fund additions, fund deductions, and summary SL details. SL subcodes are either revenue (start with zero) or expenditure (do not start with zero) subcodes. The expenditure subcodes relate to the “character and object” codes used by the State Comptroller’s Office.

Sub Ledger:

Subsidiary Ledger.

Subsidiary Ledger:

Often shortened to Sub-ledger or SL. Sub-ledger accounts are 6 digit accounts used in FRS to track revenue and expenses for a specific purpose or project. Important concepts for understanding an SL account are the year-end flag, map code and revenues and expenses. All SL account numbers begin with a ledger number 1-9.


Ten Digit Account:

The combination of the six digit account number and subcode. Required by some screens, optional on others.

Transaction Code:

Synonymous with Entry Code.

Transfer Voucher (inter-departmental transfer):

A form used to transfer the cost of goods and services from one University department to another.


Unrestricted Accounts

Accounts which are supported by funds over which the University has control.


Value Based Security:

The process by which FRS allows an operator access to only to specific accounts, based on department number or school.


Uniquely identifies a particular request for payment with single FRS ten digit account.

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