Sequential Arts

The Department of Fine Arts is very excited about offering this concentration. The University of Maryland Eastern Shore will be the only school in the state to offer this curriculum. Students will learn the techniques of penciling, inking, digital coloring, and lettering. People enrolled in the program will experience all aspects of the field, from the initial creative spark to the final realization of printed work.

Points of interest:

  • trips to comic-cons.
  • trips to New York, Washington, Philadelphia, and Baltimore
  • having work published in the student art magazine, The Talon
  • computer graphics studio with 30 Apple computers, large format scanners, and 2 Wacom Cintiqs
  • internships in the field
  • working within a community of fellow artists
  • opportunities to publish with independent comicbook studios
  • visiting professional artists and writers
  • being a fraction of the cost of any other accredited program in the nation

Apply to UMES HERE!!

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