Technology and Commercialization

Technology and Commercialization provides a variety of services on behalf of the university for internal and customers. Faculty and staff and students are considered internal customers.

Technology and Commercialization is responsible for administrative computing, and information technology. Complaints pertaining to services provided by these departments should first be directed to the appropriate office.

Administrative Computing
Waters Hall, Room 2102
Academic Oval
Princess Anne, MD 21853-1299
Phone: (410) 651-7550
Fax: (410) 651-7709

Chief Information Officer
Information Technology
Waters Hall, Room 1112
Academic Oval
Princess Anne, MD 21853-1299
Phone: (410) 651-8200
Fax: (410) 651-7836

If satisfactory resolution is not reached in a timely manner by working with the appropriate service provider listed above, complaints should be directed to the Vice President for Technology and Commercialization:

Vice President for Administration and Finance
John T. Williams Hall, Suite 1106
College Backbone Road
Princess Anne, MD 21853-1299

Phone: (410) 621-6230
Fax: (410) 651-6105

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