The Office of Research (OR) is responsible for identifying potential funding sources and communicating such information to the faculty, maintaining contacts with potential sponsors and arranging appointments with such sponsors as requested by the faculty, and helping with the development of preliminary proposals to potential sponsors. The OR is responsible for proposal processing, ensuring that proposals conform to all agency and organizations requirements, that the proposed financial arrangements are acceptable and consistent with UMES and UMS requirements, and that special commitments (e.g. in-kind and matching funds) have had prior internal review and approval. The OR is responsible for grant and contract administration, functioning as the liaison between the funding organization, the faculty member, and other University offices.
The OR is the primary support organization for sponsored programs at the University. As such, it works with the Office of the President, Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Administrative Affairs to ensure that sponsored activities are carried out according to the University mission and the sponsoring organization’s requirements.
All grants and contracts represent legal obligations of the University and as such must be signed on behalf of the University by the President. The OR publishes procedures to ensure that expenditures are made within the regulations and policies of the University, the State of Maryland, and the Federal government. In addition, the OR advises principal investigators (P.I.s) of any special regulations which may be imposed by the granting organization.