Tuesday, February 3, 2009

PRINCESS ANNE, MD – Do you raise animals on pasture?  Have the high costs of feed hurt your profits?  The Pasture Based Meat Production Workshop has some answers for you! On Saturday, March 14, Maryland Cooperative Extension is hosting a pasture based meat workshop at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore.

The workshop will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Food Science building. If you are raising or thinking about raising cows, goats, sheep, chickens or turkeys, this workshop will offer solutions for current issues and address questions you may have.

All discussions will be focused on reducing purchased feed and finishing animals on grass. Topics covered during the day will include pasture establishment and maintenance; rotational grazing; fencing and shelter; breed and genetic selection for beef, poultry and turkeys; and supplemental feeding for beef, goats, sheep, chickens or turkeys. Practical information will come from local farmers finishing animals on grass.

Registration, including lunch, is $35. There are a limited number of scholarships available to cover the cost of registration. Pre-registration is strongly suggested.

To register for the workshop or for further information, go to www.umes.edu/1890-mce or call 410-651-6206. E-mail Erroll Mattox at eamattox@umes.edu with questions. This workshop is offered by the University of Maryland Cooperative Extension (University of Maryland Eastern Shore Small Farm Project in conjunction with the University of Maryland College Park).


Courtney Harned, Ag Communications, UMES, 410-621-3850, cpharned@umes.edu.

It is the policy of the University of Maryland, Agricultural Experiment Station and Maryland Cooperative Extension, that no person shall be subjected to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital or parental status, or disability.

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