Tuesday, November 25, 2008

PRINCESS ANNE, MD – The University of Maryland Eastern Shore Maryland Cooperative Extension is hosting the 2008 Lambing and Kidding School, designed for veteran and novice shepherds who are seeking strategies and solutions for small ruminant production.  The school will be held in the Center for Food Science and Technology at UMES on Saturday, December 6, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Workshops will address topics such as breeding for better results, approaches to feeding pregnant ewes, and lambing and kidding problems.

Susan Schoenian, Maryland Cooperative Extension specialist and nationally recognized expert, will be leading the school. Schoenian is a sheep and goat specialist at the Western Maryland Research & Education Center. She has been with Maryland Cooperative Extension since 1988. Previously, she served as a regional farm management specialist (Eastern Shore region) and county agricultural agent in Wicomico County. Her areas of expertise include sheep and goat production and marketing and farm business management.

Errol Mattox, conference coordinator and small farm specialist, said, “We are very pleased to be offering an all-inclusive program this year that addresses the needs and interests of sheep and goat producers and will allow them to be better at what they do.”

Workshop topics will include “Feeding Pregnant Ewes and Does,” “Breeding for Better Results,” “Out of Season Breeding,” “Lambing and Kidding Problems,” as well as “Medical Question and Answer.”

Registration cost is $70 for the course, the reference binder and the deluxe midwife kit. The cost is $20 for the course and reference binder only. There is a discounted rate of $12.50 that does not include materials, and the participant must attend with a paying participant. Lunch and refreshments are included.  All registration forms should be received no later than Monday, December 1.  For more information, contact MCE at 410-651- 6206 or via email to mce@umes.edu. The registration form can be downloaded at http://extension.umd.edu/about/1890/programs/smallFarmer.cfm.


 Maryland Cooperative Extension Office, 410-651-6206, mce@umes.edu

 Contact: Errol Mattox, UMES Maryland Cooperative Extension, eamattox@umes.edu

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