Friday, October 26, 2012

The latest on UMES’ response to Hurricane Sandy & its impact on campus

WED. OCT. 31 – 9 a.m. – UMES students were back in class at 8 o’clock this morning (Wednesday) as the university resumed a normal schedule following its encounter with “Superstorm” Sandy earlier in the week. 

Some lingering after-effects of the storm, however, prompted university officials to cancel Wednesday classes in Kiah Hall because of a lack of power and heat. 

And about two dozen students who reside in off-campus apartments where power had not been restored were sheltered Tuesday evening at the Student Services Center. 

TUES OCT. 30 NOON  – UMES will resume a normal class and business schedule Wednesday, Oct. 31. 

Aside from a couple of downed trees and some isolated spots where water seeped into buildings, the campus sustained no major damage. 

A university leadership team overseeing planning and logistics for dealing with the storm praised students and student-leaders for their cooperation during the emergency evacuation. 

Public safety chief Warner Sumpter cautioned students who live off campus or might be returning to campus from their family homes to use caution on roads, which are still dangerous and cluttered with debris. 

Approximately 700 students were housed in the Student Services Center and the Hytche Athletics Center overnight Monday.  They were back in their dormitories shortly after dawn today. 

The entire campus experienced a power outage of about eight hours before it was restored in the early morning hours of Tuesday. 

MON OCT. 29 – 8:30 p.m. – All UMES students who remained on campus this weekend were safely housed in the Student Services Center Monday evening, where they received meals and will be sheltered through at least Tuesday. UMES President Juliette B. Bell thanked students for their cooperation and patience while making rounds at the shelter to make sure they were safe.  

All UMES students who remained on campus this weekend were safely housed in the Student Services Center Monday evening, where they received meals and will be sheltered through at least Tuesday. UMES President Juliette B. Bell thanked students for their cooperation and patience while making rounds at the shelter to make sure they were safe.  

University leaders have a mid-morning meeting planned Tuesday to review weather and law enforcement reports before making a determination about whether to release students back to their housing. Restoration of power will be an important factor.

Although the Princess Anne area and the UMES campus lost power at around dusk Monday, students were already in the Student Services Center and the Hytche Athletic Center, the two primary foul-weather shelters.

MON OCT. 29 NOON – As a precaution, the UMES administration issued a mandatory evacuation orderthat students living in on-campus dormitories move to the Student Services Center beginning early Monday afternoon, Oct. 29. This order also applies to residents of Arden’s Run and Talon’s Square (north)   

Students have been issued a shuttle bus schedule to help them get to the shelter.

The campus will be closed Tuesday; no classes. Only UMES employees who are designated as essential personnel should report to work. 

Except those already on approved leave, all non-essential employees will be considered to be on paid administrative leave. Questions from employees should be directed to supervisors. 

Continue to monitor e-mail, the UMES homepage, social media and local broadcast outlets – especially the two Salisbury TV stations – for updates as the storm approaches and then

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