Ciani Wells

Friday, May 8, 2020

Editor’s note: The transition to all online classes prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic has been an unprecedented adjustment in the journey to realize the goal of earning a college degree.  Here’s a popular student leader’s perspective.

By Ciani Wells

As I anxiously await to see if Seattle Grace Hospital’s renowned neurosurgeon, Dr. Derick Shepherd, will save the life of a pregnant woman with a brain tumor, I am suddenly brought back to reality by the sound of birds chirping outside of my window. 

As the sun rises and the bright light beams through my bedroom window, I am reminded that the time I long for every day, “me time,” has quickly faded away, and the next morning has approached. 

I then turn off Grey’s Anatomy — the only thing that seems to keep me sane nowadays — and rest my eyes in preparation for the next day of work, assignments, campaigning and household chores. 

This is the story of my life as a UMES undergraduate while distance-learning during quarantine. 

It is quite shocking how our everyday lives have been drastically changed so abruptly by the infamous COVID-19.  I find myself, like so many other people, buried in responsibilities and unable to do things I love most. 

My daily routine at home consists of living up to my duties as a Writing Center tutor, 4.0 student, sophomore class president, election candidate and child. 

I do not say these things to brag. I mention them to illustrate how complex it has become to fulfill all of these positions while being at home; this often leaves little time for me. 

I find myself helping everyone else with their assignments, attempting to meet the expectations of professors, trying to maintain my relationship with peers as a student leader, and attempting to complete household chores. I often neglect taking a break to spend time to relax and refresh my mind. 

This is why, when I finally got to finish that suspenseful episode of Grey’s Anatomy, I was pleased to discover Dr. Shepherd did, indeed, successfully remove the woman’s tumor. 

Although, he faced a difficult task, he was able to fulfill his duty as the magnificent and exceptional doctor he as well as those around him knew he was. Though the surgery took hours, that day he saved a life and he overcame adversity. 

Each day, I awake knowing the tasks ahead are arduous. I take solace in the fact, however, that I know I will achieve them with steadfastness and exceptionalism. Just like Dr. Shepherd, my responsibilities are tedious and engrossing, but I will accomplish my duties and will succeed in the end. 

It pleases me to know my hard work is paying off, even during this unprecedented time. Writing Center students I tutor express their gratitude for my assistance, I am excelling academically, and I have been elected the University of Maryland Eastern Shore’s junior class president for 2020-21. 

Watching a 15-year-old television series may be trite to some. I watch Grey’s Anatomy because I believe it is not only the best show ever, but because those few hours of “me time” spent watching the series inspires me to conquer the next day with tenaciousness. 

So, when dawn approaches, I am motivated to take on another day. 

Although it is only a few hours, “me time” is the best time – for me

Ciani Wells is an English major from Philadelphia. She is a dean’s list student who is president-elect of the class of 2022

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