Wednesday, May 26, 2010

PRINCESS ANNE, MD- The University of Maryland Eastern Shore’s capital campaign recently received a $30,000 donation from Walgreens, the nation’s largest drugstore chain with 7,507 locations.

The gift comes as the university prepares for the inaugural class of the School of Pharmacy and Health Professions’ unique three-year Doctor of Pharmacy Program (Pharm.D. Program) commencing in the fall of 2010.  With an initial enrollment of 60 students, the program is expected to grow to 180 students by the third year of the program.

“This new program presents a tremendous opportunity to invest in the education of the nation’s future pharmacists, particularly on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Delaware,” said Walgreens Delaware South Pharmacy Supervisor Don Holst.  “More and more, pharmacists are playing a vital role as a health and wellness resource in the communities they serve.”

The company’s donation funds a break out room in the newly renovated Somerset Hall, which will house the Pharm.D. Program.  Students will use the Walgreens Room to work on small group activities.

“Walgreens has demonstrated a commitment to pharmacy education across the country and we are very appreciative of its support of our new pharmacy program,” said Dr. Nicholas Blanchard, dean, School of Pharmacy and Health Professions, UMES.  “The gift represents a reciprocal relationship; employees of Walgreens are interested in furthering their education at UMES, while UMES pharmacy students will be placed among 15 Walgreens sites for internship experiences.”

UMES is in the midst of a seven-year, $14 million campaign with a priority to raise private gifts for endowed student scholarships.  Thus far, the university has raised more than $11 million.

For more information about the campaign or how to make a charitable gift to UMES, contact Gains Hawkins, vice president of institutional advancement, at 410-651-7773 or by emailing

Photo caption:

Walgreens Delaware South Pharmacy Supervisor Don Holst (center right) presents a check for $30,000 to Dr. Nicholas Blanchard (center left),  dean, School of Pharmacy and Health Professions, UMES, for a room in the newly renovated Somerset Hall, home of the university’s new pharmacy program.  Pictured, from left to right, are Paul Butler, major gifts officer, UMES; Anna Conner, regional pharmacy recruiter, Walgreens; Blanchard; Holst; Dr. Veronique Diriker, director of development, UMES; Skip Bourdo, Delaware South district manager, Walgreens.


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