Wednesday, July 13, 2011

PRINCESS ANNE, MD – (July 15, 2011) – A “town hall” meeting will be held on the University of Maryland Eastern Shore campus Tuesday, July 19, to collect input and ideas to help guide the search for the school’s next president.

A committee coordinating the search for Thelma B. Thompson’s successor has reserved the Student Services Center’s ballroom from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. to hear from the public.

According to search chairman Al Cornish, information gathered at these meetings will help his committee develop an outline describing the ideal candidate to fill the post Thompson vacates when she retires Aug. 15.

William Kirwan, the University System of Maryland’s chancellor, is hopeful Cornish’s committee can forward to him a list of nominees so a new leader could be in place by January 2012.

The committee also encourages the public to visit and click on the “UMES Presidential search” icon on the home page. Visitors are welcome to fill out the form under “Share Your Thoughts.”

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Bill Robinson, director, UMES Office of Public Relations,

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