September 13- October 19, 2007

PRINCESS ANNE, MD – The quality of the artwork at UMES’ Mosely Gallery faculty exhibition, traditionally held each fall is exceptional this year. The show provides an opportunity for students, faculty, staff and the greater community to see the creative output of the campus’ visual artists.  This year’s show is marked by diversity; highlighting paintings, photographs, ceramics, experimental media and cutting edge conceptual work.

On exhibit are eye catching ceramics by Ernest Satchell, the highly-respected fine arts chairman with a 37-year history at UMES. His latest work consists of large celestial body-like neoclassical vessels with uninterrupted surfaces that terminate in small necks and thin lips. These vessels are finished in bright polychrome stoneware glazes.

Printmaker Brad Hudson, M.FA, displays work inspired by pop culture.  There are studies in ancient iconography, patterning and the human form. He has recently been studying pin-ups and nose art from WWII.  Hudson is represented in the show with several masterful small pencil drawings and digital prints.

Associate professor, Chris Harrington, M.FA, creates objects with resin and pigment resembling iridescent pools of coalescing matter. Harrington states, “I do not make paintings of objects; I make objects with paint. Although the works are mounted on the wall, they incorporate thick layers of transparent material that take them into the third-dimension and push the limits between painting and sculpture.” Harrington’s works frequently include iridescent or interference pigments, pumice, acrylic polymers and resins. In many respects, his studio looks more like an alchemist’s laboratory than it does a traditional studio.

The multi-talented associate professor, Michel DeManche, M.FA, has been working on a variety of projects. One is a series of portraits of animals, predominately dogs and cats. In addition, she has two abstracted digital montage prints. These represent her reaction to the variety of techniques that the digital world can allow in printmaking.

Helene English, B. FA, is inspired by her surroundings. Images from the boardwalk in Ocean City, MD, have been her subject matter as of late.

Susan Holt, B. FA, has spent many years in Italy influencing the warm Mediterranean colors in her work. Holt is a member of the board of Urban Salisbury and coordinates the ongoing public art project in the City of Salisbury.  She is currently working on a series of relief paintings and collages using non-traditional materials based on organic abstraction.

Rounding out the show are the ceramics of Joy Maxwell, B.A., and the Tribal Mask and Ceremonial Mask of Billy Burgess, B.A.

Mosely Gallery open and free to the public, M-F 9-5

Located in the Arts and Technology Building on the UMES campus


Dr. Anke Van Wagenberg, Ph.D., director, Mosely Gallery Director,, 410-651-7770.


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