Wednesday, January 6, 2010

PRINCESS ANNE, MD-Bank of America recently made a $5,000 gift to the University of Maryland Eastern Shore Foundation in support of student scholarships.  The donation brings Bank of America’s cumulative charitable contributions to UMES to $25,000 during the university’s Campaign for Academic Excellence.

UMES has named the Bank of America Classroom on the first floor of Hazel Hall in recognition of the banking and financial services institution s philanthropic support.

“We are pleased and excited to be able to help with UMES goal to grow this university and its curriculum,” said Monty Sayler, senior vice president at Bank of America.  “Bank of America is committed to supporting education in all of its communities.”

Previously Bank of America made a $20,000 gift to the Education Department at UMES.

UMES is in the midst of a seven-year, $14 million campaign, with a priority to raise private gifts for endowed student scholarships.  Thus far, the university has raised over $10 million.

For more information about the campaign or how to make a charitable gift to UMES, contact Dr. Veronique Diriker, director of development, at 410-651-7773 or


Gains Hawkins, vice president for institutional advancement, 410-621-7773,

Gail Stephens, assistant director, UMES Office of Public Relations, 410-651-7580,

PHOTO CAPTION:  Monty Sayler (right), senior vice president at Bank of America, presents a $5,000 check to Gains Hawkins, vice president for institutional advancement at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore.  The gift supports student scholarships. The university has named the Bank of America Classroom in Hazel Hall in recognition of the bank s combined giving during the UMES Campaign for Academic Excellence.

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