Monday, November 22, 2010

            Kathleen Talbert, Class of 1951, recently established the Clarice J. Michaels Fund with a $10,000 gift in memory of the former head of the Music Department Clarice J. Michaels and Dr. John Taylor Williams, president of Maryland State College from 1947 to 1970.

            Talbert, a music major while at the university, wanted her mentor, Dr. Michaels, “to be remembered, even if only by a few.”  Her reverence for the president of the university during her undergraduate years motivated her to honor Dr. Williams as well.

            “This fund is unique because it provides much-needed operational support to the Music Division within the Department of Fine Arts,” said Kimberly Dumpson J.D., director of alumni affairs and planned giving. 

            “It is a wonderful gift that goes a long way in providing the necessary supplies and equipment benefiting the Music Division and the students,” Dr. John Lamkin, music coordinator, said. 

            Talbert is a resident of East Orange, N.J.

            According to Dumpson, the fund is open to receive additional gifts.  For more information, contact Dumpson at 410-651-7686 or by emailing

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Gail Stephens, assistant director, UMES Office of Public Relations, 410-651-7580,

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