The PGA of America requires that all PGA Golf Management Program students complete at least 16 months of internship prior to graduation. This cooperative internship work experience must take place at facilities recognized as eligible for employment by the PGA Constitution (page 23). Students are recommended to complete their Level 1 internship at a green grass facility.
The Internship Coordinator is responsible for all aspects of the PGA Golf Management internships, including but not limited to instruction of the PGA Golf Management knowledge base, maintaining a list of current contacts for all businesses that meet internship criteria and that are interested in hosting a PGA Golf Management intern; site evaluation for selection of student placements; evaluation of site professionals to insure assistance in the completion of specific work experience activities for program interns; monitoring site professionals’ evaluations of PGA Golf Management interns; monitoring PGA Golf Management interns’ evaluations of working conditions and activities of internship sites during placement; maintaining proper documentation of internship sites, placements, and evaluations; and recruiting prospective students. In addition, the Internship Coordinator will serve as program advisor to the PGA Golf Management Student Association.
Students have the opportunity to choose from numerous facilities including country clubs, resorts, public and municipal courses, military golf facilities, PGA/LPGA Headquarters, PGA Section Offices, and PGA Recognized Driving Ranges. By completing co-op/internship assignments, students receive on-the-job training and academic credit as outlined in the UMES PGA Golf Management Curriculum. The UMES PGA Golf Management Internship Coordinator will conduct a thorough evaluation of each cooperative internship site prior to placement of any UMES PGA Golf Management student. This site will then be considered and listed/posted as a designated internship site for UMES PGA Golf Management students. This site will be listed on the UMES PGA Golf Management website. This written designation and evaluation will be kept
on file.
Prior to the student going to work at a particular site, students must have the designated site supervisor fill out the internship forms (Forms A and B) in the Internship Manual prior to registering for the PGA Golf Management Internship experience. This form must also be signed by a representative of the host facility. It will also be highly recommended that host professionals read the PGA of America Mentor Guide. Each student must be registered in an internship class (PGMT 170, 270, 370, 470) to receive academic credit and must be in good standing with the UMES PGA Golf Management program to be placed in a cooperative internship position. All internships are completed under the direction and guidance of the PGA Golf Management Staff along with a qualified PGA Professional or mentor at the approved facility.
Prior to the student going to work at the site, the objectives of that cooperative internship experience will be discussed and documented. These objectives will model the learning objectives of Level 1, 2, or 3 of the PGA Golf Management work experience activities and seminars. After each cooperative internship experience, the host professional or student supervisor is required to complete a detailed evaluation (Form G) of the student’s performance. During the internship, the student is expected to complete all listed work experience activities, and submit them to the PGA Golf Management Director or Internship Coordinator for grading. A member of the UMES PGA Golf Management Program staff will review each student’s evaluation, work experience activities and portfolio, and give the student a grade for the internship. An advisement and counseling session will then occur. This advisement and counseling session will be used to resolve any student performance problems or identify a facility that receives an unfavorable rating. Any facility receiving an unfavorable rating will be investigated prior to any future placements.
This advisement session will also be used to ensure that all internship documents have been completed and filed in the student’s record as well as to collect an updated resume that includes the recent internship.
If a student is on academic probation from the program, they must complete the intended internship (if already hired) with no earned academic credit. PGA Golf Management students will be afforded the opportunity to participate in a Playing Ability Test during the internship. Additionally, unsatisfactory performance during a PGA Golf Management Program sponsored internship may be grounds for removal from the program. Unless a student performs a grievous act, they will be formally counseled and given the opportunity to correct any academic or PGA training shortcomings. These counseling sessions will be documented in the student’s permanent folder.
The Internship Manual contains the forms used to document each student’s progress through the cooperative internship process. The completed forms are placed and maintained in each PGA Golf Management Program student’s permanent folder. The UMES PGA Golf Management Internship Roadmap and Requirements are outlined in Table 8
UMES PGAGolf Management Internship Roadmap and Requirements
Table 8: UMES PGA Golf Management Internship Roadmap and Requirements