The PGA Affiliate Program

The PGA Affiliate Program

Take the steps to become a PGA Member and build your career in golf.

PGA Affiliates are individuals who are not eligible working as golf professionals and do not meet Associate eligibility, but may proceed through the Qualifying Level and Level 1 only of the PGA Professional Golf Management Program.  PGA Affiliates are not Associates or Members of the Association, do not enjoy any rights and privileges of membership, do not receive an identification card, and are not covered by the Life, Liability Insurance or Member Assistance Program.  Affiliates may retain amateur status and may have access to National and Section communication, websites, and National and Section meeting and education attendance at the discretion of the applicable National or Section body.   PGA Affiliates do not have National or Section playing privileges based on specific tournament event eligibility.

The PGA Affiliate program allows individuals who do not meet Associate eligibility to complete Level 1 of the PGA Professional Golf Management Program.  PGA Affiliates must then meet all Associate eligibility to register as an Associate in Level 2 to progress toward PGA of America Membership.

Path to Membership

Expand your career and grow the game you love

By becoming a PGA Member, you can fully immerse yourself in the world of golf, forge a fulfilling career, and actively contribute to the sport’s growth and development. Join a network of more than 30,000 recognized golf industry leaders worldwide and embrace a multitude of benefits that come with PGA Membership today.

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Background Check

All individuals registering or re-registering as an associate must complete a Background Check. Employment Screening Associates (ESA) performs this service at a reasonable cost, paid by the prospective member during an online screening session.

*(If you have been convicted of a felony, misdemeanor or equivalent, you should submit documentation to the PGA Membership Department to determine your eligibility for PGA Membership prior to proceeding. Per the PGA Code of Ethics, certain transgressions are cause for permanent preclusion to PGA Membership.)*

Qualifying Level

Applicants need to purchase and review the four qualifying level courses: Introduction to the PGA PGM Program, PGA Constitution, Rules of Golf, and Career Enhancement. In addition, all quizzes within each course must be passed with a 100% passing grade. 

PGA Affiliate and PGM 3.1 Associate Program Overview

Individuals who meet the following requirements, and otherwise not eligible to register as an Associate, shall be eligible to register as in an Affiliate and progress through the completion of Level 1 of the PGA Professional Golf Management Program:

A.) Have a high school diploma or be at least 18 years of age and have the equivalent of a high school education;

High School Equivalency:

  • An evaluation by a university or college level institution selected by the Association shall be used to determine high school equivalency.
  • Acceptance as a regular full-time student at an accredited college in the U.S. shall be considered ample proof of high school equivalency.

B.) Successfully complete the Background Check.

C.) Complete the Qualifying Level, prior to registering as an Affiliate into Level 1 of the PGA Professional Golf Management Program in accordance to the guidelines established by the Board of Directors.

D.) Pay the following fees as determined by the Board of Directors:

  • $200 Registration Fee (at the time of registration or reregistration)
  • $50 National Fee (at registration and annually)
  • $50 Section Fee (at registration and annually)
  • Level 1 Course Access Fees (at registration)


Affiliates in Level 1 of the PGA Professional Golf Management Program shall be eligible to renew their registration annually, consistent with the timing of the Membership Year for Members and Associates, provided they are within the Acceptable Progress guidelines as established by the Board of Directors.  If annual fees are not paid, the Affiliate will be terminated and must reregister.


Former Affiliates in the PGA Professional Golf Management Program may reregister as an Affiliate in the PGA Professional Golf Management Program, provided they are within the Acceptable Progress guidelines in Section 4, of this Article; and pay all required fees.  If outside the Acceptable Progress guidelines in Section 4, of this Article, an individual must first complete the Qualifying Level prior to being eligible to reregister.

Limit of Registration

Affiliates will be subject to the following Acceptable Progress guidelines, as established by the Board of Directors:

  • Two years to complete Level 1 from the Level 1 start date.  If not completed within two years, must start over at the Qualifying Level.
  • Once Level 1 is completed, a maximum of two years to remain an Affiliate prior to meeting all eligibility to register as an Associate, per ARTICLE III, or be terminated.  If terminated, must start over at the Qualifying Level.

The Board of Control may extend the Limit of Participation period or allow for early termination based on extenuating circumstances.

PGA Affiliates must then meet all Associate eligibility to register as an Associate in Level 2 of the PGA PGM Program to progress toward PGA of America Membership.

Eligible Employment

To be eligible to register as an associate, individuals must be employed in an eligible position, within one of the approved classifications. While many traditional golf positions may be top of mind, there are many non-traditional jobs that are also eligible positions including things like tournament director, sales & marketing, hospitality and even real estate. NOTE: Participation in an amateur event will forfeit all work experience credits earned prior to the event.



To be elected to membership once admitted to the PGA PGM 3.1 Associate Program, Associates will have to meet the appropriate milestones and requirements:

Acceptable Progress –

  • Level 2 must be successfully completed within three years of the Level 2 Start Date
  • Level 3 and election to PGA Membership must be successfully accomplished within nine years of the Level 1 Start Date

Associates have nine years from their Level 1 Start Date to graduate from the PGA PGM Program, meet all election requirements and become elected to PGA Membership. Failure to complete Level 1 or 2 within three years of the Level’s start date will result in suspension. Failure to exit suspension by the end of two years will result in termination from the PGA PGM Program.

Path to Membership Resources

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