There are so many people to thank for the success of this conference, but the CTE wants to extend its deepest, most heartfelt Thank You to our administrative assistant, Kathleen Derby.
From your detailed graphics and promotional materials to your clear and constant communication with conference presenters, we literally could not have done any of this without you. In fact, you make this two-person center a “we.” In light of that, know that everyone in CTE and CITOL will miss you terribly when you leave the Eastern Shore next week. But we know you’ll love Nashville! We wish you the very best in your move slightly west. Stay in touch!
We want to hugely and publicly thank Tracey Dirusso, instructional technologist in CITOL for the tremendous work she did organizing Blackboard Collaborate for this conference.
I know I speak for all the presenters when I thank you for the special sessions you held to help us all feel comfortable with Collaborate and get a feel for how this virtual conference would flow. Your organizational skills and on-top-of-it-ness are super-heroic! And creating all those links! Just wow.
And another huge thanks goes to CITOL and our honorary CITOL member Joseph Bree from the UMES library for their tech support during the synchronous sessions of our two-day conference. Each crew member moderated sessions, did on-the-spot trouble-shooting, gave presenters moral support, and just generally ran the behind-the-scenes operations. A loud and proper shout out goes to:
Victoria Turner
Edward Matovu
Brian Bergen-Aurand
and, as mentioned, Joseph Bree