Serials/E-Resources Collection:

The print Serials Collection is non-circulating and located on the lower level of the library. The digital E-Resources Collection is accessed via the library website by searching Primo OneSearch and individual databases. The collection includes the following:

  • Periodicals – Both print and online journals are managed by the department and can be accessed using the Journal Search tab in Primo OneSearch. Search by journal title, ISSN or subject category.
    • Print Serials: approximately 110 print serials are maintained, including current subscriptions and backfiles (three years for journals; one year for magazines) and are available on the Lower Level arranged by Library of Congress call number.
    • Online Journals: tens of thousands of online periodicals can be accessed using the Journal Search tab from Primo OneSearch.
  • Databases – The library subscribes to about 100 e-resources that provide access to thousands of scholarly journal and magazine titles, national newspaper coverage and ebook collections. Other non-article databases provide directory and test preparation information. These digital resources are available 24/7 from the library’s homepage.
    • Primo OneSearch provides access to many of the library’s databases; however, excluded coverage (like Kanopy, Pharmacy databases, indexing & abstracting content, among others) can be accessed by using the Databases A-Z tab and searching the individual database.
    • For the full list of e-resources, click on the Databases A-Z link available on Primo OneSearch and the library website.
    • Click on the Databases by Subject link to access e-resources by type or academic subject.
    • Off-campus access: when accessing digital resources remotely, you will be prompted for the 14-digit barcode from the back of your HawkCard.
  • Newspapers – Few national newspapers are available in print; however, numerous national and regional newspapers (including historical coverage) can be found online by using the Newspaper Search from Primo OneSearch or from the library website (click on the Newspapers and News Sources link from the Databases by Subject webpage).
  • Government Documents – To find government documents: (1) search Primo OneSearch (set Resource Type to Government Documents) to link to full-text, or (2) access the GPO Monthly database, or (3) search the State Publications Depository & Distribution Program website.

Serials/E-Resources Department Services:

  • Print Serials and E-Resources Inquiries – Staff can be reached during regular library hours in the following ways:
In PersonContactBy PhoneEmail
Serials Desk: Lower LevelJoan Harmon(410)
E-Resources: First FloorMichelle Turner(410)
E-Resources: First FloorJanet Eke(410)
  • Scanning services are available (no charge).
  • Thesis and Dissertation Binding – In addition to providing two copies to the School of Graduate Studies (click here for instructions), the student may also want a bound copy for their personal records. Please note that there is a $25 fee (per copy) and that theses and dissertations are sent to the bindery only twice a year. No mailing services are available; the student must drop off and pick up the copy in person. Please follow the steps below based on whether the student or the School of Graduate Studies is paying the fee:
    • Fee Paid by Student: The $25 fee (per copy) should be paid to Auxiliary Services (SSC, 2nd floor) and a receipt must be given. The receipt and a printed copy of the thesis/dissertation should be brought to the Serials/E-Resources Department, along with contact information (email and cell phone) and arrangements for pickup.
    • Fee Paid by School of Graduate Studies: The School first sends an authorization email specifying student name and billing account number for the $25 fee to the Serials/E-Resources Department before the printed copy can be brought to the library, along contact information (email and cell phone) and arrangements for pickup.

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