Activity Name & Description |
Activity Director |
Second Year Experience and Succes (2- YES) This activity is designed to support underrepresented students by encouraging self-exploration of identity, values, academics, and life goals. The program aims to enhance academic performance, leadership skills, and personal development through innovative programming, mentorship, and fellowship, ultimately improving retention and student success. |
Ms. Quiana Tilghman qtilghman@umes.edu |
Decision Science and Visualization Next-Generation (DSV-NG) This activity focuses on developing an advanced data and storage structure to enhance data analytics, decision science, and visualization capabilities for both internal and external users. Emphasizing data accuracy from the Student Information System, the initiative supports UMES’ strategic goals related to academic excellence, digital technology, and research infrastructure. The project will also provide tools for ad hoc data analysis, while maintaining privacy through separate internal and external data warehouses. |
Dr. Urban Wiggins utwiggins@umes.edu |
Helping Students Prepare for the World of Work and Connect with Employers This activity aims to helps students define career goals, explore potential professions, and connect with employers through workshops and online resources. The CPDC offers career assessments, job search preparation, and networking opportunities to ensure students are well-prepared for internships and full-time positions. |
Dr. Theresa Queenan tqueenan@umes.edu |
Improving Behavioral Health Services through Prevention & Supportive Services This activity will promote students’ mental and emotional well-being, supporting academic success, and fostering resilience. UMES Counseling Services plans to enhance its offerings by providing preventive and supportive services, including a certified peer support program and outreach efforts to address the needs of diverse student populations. |
Dr. Malkia Johnson mljohnson3@umes.edu |
Upgrading & Elevating the Hospitality and Tourism Management Program (HTM) This activity aims to upgrade classrooms and culinary labs to enhance students’ education, supporting UMES’ mission of providing high-quality, values-based education, particularly to first-generation college students. |
Dr. Erinn Tucker – Oluwole EDTucker@umes.edu |
Cultural, Academic, Social, Educational (CASE) Initiative for Student Success This activity focuses on supporting incoming freshmen, transfer students, and FOCUS students by providing personalized academic plans through advisors, retention specialists, tutors, and mentors. Aiming to enhance the overall student experience, the initiative offers a holistic approach to student success, helping stabilize retention rates. The Center of Access and Academic Success (CAAS) will support the initiative through strategic partnerships and customized services to improve student competence and engagement. |
Dr. TerCraig D. Edwards TDEdwards@umes.edu |
Creating an Online Child Development Program This activity focuses on enhancing its child development program by offering online courses, increasing access to education for childcare professionals. This initiative will help meet regional employment needs and boost enrollment in the program, addressing broader university enrollment challenges. |
Dr. Grace Namwamba gnamwamba@umes.edu |
Enhancing the Engineering Program This activity aims to enhance undergraduate learning, retention, and success in UMES’s General Engineering program by providing internship opportunities. These internships will prepare students with critical thinking and problem-solving skills, aligning with the university’s strategic goal of workforce and economic development in engineering and healthcare technology. The programs offer interdisciplinary education, preparing students for careers in critical workforce fields and supporting the rural healthcare system. |
Dr. Yuanwei Jin yjin@umes.edu |
Professional Development, Engagement, & Compliance Training This activity aims to develop a comprehensive program for employee development, training, and engagement at UMES, aligned with the university’s strategic plan. It focuses on strengthening knowledge, skills, and inclusiveness among faculty and staff through professional development, compliance training, and engagement activities, promoting retention and a positive campus culture. By addressing the diverse needs of employees and fostering communication across departments, the program will support workforce productivity, talent optimization, and succession planning, ensuring long-term success. |
Ms. Gertrude Hairston gjhairston@umes.edu |
Enhancing Academics through Buidling Renovations and Technology Upgrades The purpose of this activity will be to improve IT infrastructure and academic building conditions campus-wide. Improvements will include renovating classrooms and teaching/research laboratories, replacing flooring, seating, and windows throughout the building, and upgrading the old generator system. In addition, these improvements to the building mentioned will enhance the academic environment for students, reduce the campus deferred maintenance, and reduce energy usage. |