Administration and Finance

Administration and Finance provides a variety of services on behalf of the university for internal and external customers. Faculty and staff are considered internal customers, while students, alumni, and community members are the primary external customers.

Administration and Finance is responsible for the bookstore; dining services; business and accounting services; financial aid; procurement; Richard Henson Center; university post office; human resources; auxiliary enterprise, budget operations (student accounts), physical plant, and public safety (University Police). Complaints pertaining to services provided by these departments should first be directed to the appropriate office.

Auxiliary Enterprises
Student Services Center, Suite 2150
Student Service Center Lane
Princess Anne, MD 21853-1299
Phone: (410) 651-7744
Fax: (410) 651-7757

Financial Aid
Student Development Center, Suite 1100
College Backbone Road
Princess Anne, MD 21853-1299
Phone: (410) 651-6172
Fax: (410) 651-7670

Assistant Vice President for Human Resources
Bird Hall, Suite 1109
Academic Oval
Princess Anne, MD 21853-1299
Phone: (410) 651-6400
Fax: (410) 651-6500

Physical Plant
Physical Plant Bldg. Suite 1116
30865 College Backbone Road
Princess Anne, MD 21853-1299
Phone: (410) 651-6650
Fax: (410) 651-7918

Director, Chief of Police
Public Safety/University Police
Public Safety Bldg.
Princess Anne, MD 21853-1299
Phone: (410) 651-6590
Fax: (410) 651-7698

Richard A. Henson Center, Room 1117
College Backbone Road
Princess Anne, MD 21853-1299
Phone: (410) 651-8100
Fax: (410) 651-7943

Student Accounts
Student Development Center, Suite 1160
College Backbone Road
Princess Anne, MD 21853-1299
Phone: (410) 651-6088
Fax: (410) 651-8187

If satisfactory resolution is not reached in a timely manner by working with the appropriate department, complaints should be directed to:

Vice President for Administration and Finance
John T. Williams Hall, Suite 1106
College Backbone Road
Princess Anne, MD 21853-1299

Phone: (410) 651-6229
Fax: (410) 651-6105

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