Reporting Animal Welfare Concerns

If this case of concerns involving the care and use of animals at UMES, submissions can be made using the following instructions:

A drop boxes that are checked daily are placed throughout the facilities.

A hotline number (410-651-8491) and an electronic submission form are available on the website

  • Concerns raised by the members of the IACUC, community, faculty and/or administrators will be brought to the attention of the Relevant personnel in writing.
  • When concerns can be easily addressed and are of a minor nature, the IACUC Chair (in consultation with the Attending Veterinarian) will render a decision and communicate in writing that decision to the IACUC membership, the Institutional Official, and other concerned parties.
  • The IACUC Chair will call a special IACUC meeting when the concern is considered to be of a serious or complex nature requiring the input, review, and recommendations of the membership and communicate results to the Institutional Official, and concerned parties.
  • For matters of extreme concern, the Institutional Official will be informed in writing of the nature and scope of concerns involving the care and use of animals.
  • The IACUC Chair, the IACUC membership, and the Institutional Official will meet for the purpose of addressing the concerns and making any necessary corrections.
  • NOTE: The UMES Institutional Official is informed of all actions taken by the IACUC.
  • If action is required by the Institutional Official, the Institutional Official will notify OLAW of the situation and the remedies taken to correct the situation. 

Concerns raised by users or spectators of the facility are held in confidence by the IACUC Chair and Institutional Official. We have a policy to ensure anonymity and multiple points of contact for reporting concerns. The Institutional Official will guarantee that raising such concerns will not be a source of reprisal or retaliation toward the person raising such concerns by any other campus official. 

Reporting Form

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