Our team of 4-H agents and specialists are committed to providing high-quality positive youth development opportunities around STEM topics to the youth of the Lower and Eastern Shore of Maryland.
In addition to creating STEM programs at UMES, we encourage community organizations and schools to request help from any member of our team to deliver lessons at their events and classrooms. We can offer help in the following ways:
In-school enrichment lessons
Afterschool program enrichment lessons
Workshops & short-term experiences (ex: day camps)
Professional development for educators and teen counselors
STEM curriculum training for educators
Consultations on new program designs
Support for program evaluations and research projects
Equipment, curriculum booklets, and other resources
To request help from our staff, simply contact the person below who best matches your needs. If you are unsure who is the best match, please contact Ariel Clay at amclay@umes.edu or 410-651-6724 and she will be happy to advise you.
Somerset students explore STEM opportunities
UMES Associate Professor Dr. William Weaver talks to Somerset Intermediate School students about rockets and symmetry during their visit to the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. More than 25 students toured the campus and took part in STEM learning opportunities during the visit hosted by UMES Extension 4-H. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
UMES Associate Professor Dr. William Weaver talks to Somerset Intermediate School students about rockets and symmetry during their visit to the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. More than 25 students toured the campus and took part in STEM learning opportunities during the visit hosted by UMES Extension 4-H. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
Somerset Intermediate School students Natalynn Rayfield-Sargent, Shelby Holland, Anna Gibson and Ali Koltuk conduct a LEGO experiment during their visit to the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, hosted by UMES Extension 4-H. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
Somerset Intermediate School students Ella Beauchamp and Elizabeth Waters conduct a LEGO experiment during their visit to the University of Maryland Eastern Shore hosted by UMES Extension 4-H. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
More than 25 students and staff from Somerset Intermediate School toured the University of Maryland Eastern Shore campus and learned about STEM opportunities. The visit was hosted by UMES Extension 4-H. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
More than 25 students and staff from Somerset Intermediate School toured the University of Maryland Eastern Shore campus and learned about STEM opportunities. The visit was hosted by UMES Extension 4-H. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
UMES Associate Professor Dr. William Weaver talks to Somerset Intermediate School students about rockets and symmetry during their visit to the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. More than 25 students toured the campus and took part in STEM learning opportunities during the visit hosted by UMES Extension 4-H. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
Ariel Clay
Specialties & Ready-to-Go Lessons:
Educator Development
4-H Staff
Youth-Serving Volunteers
School Teachers
Afterschool Program Staff
Curriculum Development
Curriculum Development
Program Design & Evaluation
Program Design & Evaluation
Animal & Avian Science
Avian Science Bowl
Students work on stomp rockets during the STEM summer camp at Salisbury Middle School held at the school July 12, 2023. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Agriculture Communications Photographer)
Almost 100 students from Caroline County visited the University of Maryland Eastern Shore Paul S. Sarbanes Coastal Ecology Center on Monday, April 1, 2024 to learn about ecology of the shore by University of Maryland Eastern Shore Extension Agents as part of their 4-H program. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
Evjanae Broome puts together a robot during a visit from Jeremiah Mowen, a UMES Extension Agent, to the Upward Bound program in Princess Anne Monday, July 10, 2023. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Agriculture Communication Photographer)
Students from Washington High School and Wicomico County Schools visit UMES during the UMES 4-H STEM College Day on campus. They were introduced to Physics, Engineering and Aviation Science, the Pharmacy program, The Entrepreneurship Center, Biomedical and Aerospace Engineering. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Agriculture Communication Photographer)
Diamond Nwaeze
Specialties & Ready-to-Go Lessons:
College & Career Readiness
Building the Framework: Searching for Scholarships
Etiquette & You
Navigating Pre-College Programs
Majors & Areas of Study: What is best for you?
Nutrition Science
Nutrition Science
Agriculture & Community Gardening
Creation of a Vegetable Crop
Teatime in the Garden!
Not Just Seeds!
Closing Up Shop: How to prep your garden for next spring
Budding scientists in grades K-12 on the Eastern Shore got hands-on experience of how science works at the UMES STEM Festival, held Oct. 19 on the campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore.
Erica Hickerson, left, watches her son, Zakai Marshall, 2, of Salisbury complete a circuit during the UMES Extension 4-H Stem Festival 2024 held on the Campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
Karsyn Mills, 3, digs for dinosaurs at the Environmental Science table during the UMES Extension 4-H Stem Festival 2024 held on the Campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
Bug man displays edible bugs during the UMES Extension 4-H Stem Festival 2024 held on the Campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
Aspen Talabert, 6, of Salisbury gets help from Human Ecology Professor Maureen Lehto Brewster painting with magnates during the UMES Extension 4-H Stem Festival 2024 held on the Campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
Rahaf Elniema, 14, holds a chick as Tasabih Elniema, 16, takes a photo both of Princess Anne during the UMES Extension 4-H Stem Festival 2024 held on the Campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
Pocomoke River State Park Naturalist Haley King holds “Elvis” a Eastern King Snake during the UMES Extension 4-H Stem Festival 2024 held on the Campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
Ramses Almodovar, 9, with Pocomoke 4-H program examines a horseshoe crap during the UMES Extension 4-H Stem Festival 2024 held on the Campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
Malk Ali, 9, of Princess Anne completes a circuit during the UMES Extension 4-H Stem Festival 2024 held on the Campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
Talukder Rayeed, 9, of Delmar makes smoothies on a special bike during the UMES Extension 4-H Stem Festival 2024 held on the Campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
The Mills family from Princess Anne learn how soil is made from UMD Extension Agent Gene Casey during the UMES Extension 4-H Stem Festival 2024 held on the Campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
Barbara Barga, a 4-H Extension Agent from Worcester County shows students how to play the banana piano during the UMES Extension 4-H Stem Festival 2024 held on the Campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
UMES Urban Forestry Program Students, from left, Daylah McCullough, Gracie Gandy and Caleb Harris man the table of their club during the UMES Extension 4-H Stem Festival 2024 held on the Campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
Maryland Conservation Corp. (MCC) Kara Holland shows a horseshoe crap during the UMES Extension 4-H Stem Festival 2024 held on the Campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
At the NOAA LMRCSC table, Mira Dhakal, 3 1/2, looks at bacteria during the UMES Extension 4-H Stem Festival 2024 held on the Campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
UMES Student Researchers Almazi Matthews, front, show the Fleming Family of Salisbury, veggies inside the freight farm during the UMES Extension 4-H Stem Festival 2024 held on the Campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
Students watch and participate in an experiment by Dr. Kausiksankar Das during the UMES Extension 4-H Stem Festival 2024 held on the Campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
Annie Richerson, 12, of Salisbury does an experiment during the UMES Extension 4-H Stem Festival 2024 held on the Campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
Oishani Das, 12, of Delmar holds a baby chick during the UMES Extension 4-H Stem Festival 2024 held on the Campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
Yamin Gadaa, 9, of Fruitland holds a baby chick with the help of Grad Student Umishma Ghimire during the UMES Extension 4-H Stem Festival 2024 held on the Campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)
Participants try on bug heads during the UMES Extension 4-H Stem Festival 2024 held on the Campus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. (Photo by Todd Dudek, UMES Ag Communications)