Clinical Services

Types of Services

We provide short-term individual and couples counseling, as well as psychiatric services and appropriate referrals to the community.

Individual Counseling
We primarily see students on an individual basis to address a wide range of issues including depression, anxiety, relationship problems, academic problems, coping with loss, and eating disorders to only mention a few.  Counseling sessions are typically once per week for 60 minutes, although other arrangements can be made.  Individual counseling services include initial evaluation and assessment, intervention, treatment planning, and short term psychotherapy.

Group Counseling
Groups provide a great opportunity to gain support and to learn from others in the group, to realize others struggle with similar issues, and to work on relational issues in a safe environment.  Some issues are ideal for a group setting.

Couples Counseling
Students are eligible for couples counseling.  Dealing more effectively with conflict, family issues, adjusting to marriage, and other concerns can greatly improve a relationship.

Psychiatric Services
A student requesting psychiatric services will first participate in an intake evaluation and disposition. A professional counselor will conduct a personal history and discuss with the student the appropriateness of a referral for psychiatric treatment.  If so determined, the student will be scheduled for psychiatric evaluation and consultation.

Referral Services
We often make appropriate referrals to mental health professionals in the community.  Students whose concerns require long term
services, more intensive services, or specialized services not available at UMES will be referred to other professionals or agencies in the community.

Students who desire psychological advice regarding concerns about others may make an appointment.  At various times this option has been utilized by clubs, teams, groups, roommates or friends, as well as individuals.

“Note”: We do not provide counseling or other services by e-mail or other electronic media.

Issues Addressed

University of Maryland Eastern Shore students, like any college students, typically encounter a great deal of stress (i.e., academic, interpersonal, family, work, financial) during the course of their educational experience. While most students cope successfully with the demands of college life most of the time, there will be times when many students experience distress and will benefit from our staff. The following are examples of concerns for which college student often seek assistance:

Personal Issues
Anxiety, loneliness, depression, anger, guilt, low self-esteem.

Tension/ Stress
Physical complaints such as insomnia, headache, fatigue, digestive problems, and academic concerns (i.e., test anxiety, poor study habits or performance.)

Relationship Issues
Roommate problems, partner/significant other difficulties, singleness, sexual concerns, domestic violence.

Development/ Family Issues
Fear and guilt, anger, frustration, family crisis, concerns from childhood and/or adolescence, divorce.

Other Issues
Drugs and alcohol, food preoccupation, grief, crisis, pregnancy, sexual assault.

The above is not meant to be a comprehensive list. Students may have a concern other than the ones mentioned. The staff is available for and willing to talk with students whatever their concern (s) may be.

Fee Schedule

The full range of University Counseling Services are available to all currently enrolled students at no cost.

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