General Policies and Procedures


  1. Individual Participant Apparel/ Jewelry

1. Proper athletic footwear must be worn while competing; cleats with metal studs, five-finger shoes, open-toed shoes, sandals and boots are prohibited. Athletic footwear facility policies are in effect at each respective site during intramural competition.

2. The wearing of jewelry is not permitted during intramural competition. In addition, jewelry may not be covered by tape or Band-Aids. Medical tags are permitted as long as they are taped down.

3. The Intramural Sports is not responsible for any lost, damaged or stolen items. Do not take valuables to intramural contests and leave them unattended.

  • Equipment Policy

All intramural equipment is the property of University of Maryland Eastern Shore Intramural Sports and Recreation. Any damage to equipment must be paid for by the participant responsible for the damaged equipment. If the participant fails to pay for the damages, a hold will be placed on their account.

1. Equipment that is not returned by a team may result in team expulsion from intramurals for the academic year and a hold will be placed on their account until equipment is returned.

2. Abuse of equipment or intramural facilities will result in the individual or team’s ejection from the game, league, and or facility.

  • Lost and Found

Items found on intramural fields or in the gymnasium will be returned to the Intramural sports office. Lost items may be claimed during regular business hours.

  • Weather Policy

The Intramural Coordinator will make all decisions regarding weather related postponements. Information pertaining to weather related cancellations will be provided for participants in the following manner:

  1. Cancellation decisions will be made prior to the event. Cancellations will be posted on the Intramural Page of the Recreation Website.


b. The Intramural Coordinator will send an email to team captains. It is the team captain’s responsibility to notify their team.

2. Postponed intramural contests will not be rescheduled if field space and season/tournament length do not permit.

3. In the event that games are not rescheduled during the regular season, the game will result in a “TIE” for both teams.

4. Decisions related to game stoppage due to adverse weather conditions during an intramural competition will be determined as follows:

a. Intramural Director or Manager will make the final stoppage of play decisions.

b. Result will be “WINS” for both teams (regardless of score).

i. If a game is stopped in the first half of play.

ii. If a game is stopped before the top of the fourth inning of play.

c. Result will be a “WIN” for one team and a “LOSS” for the other team.

i. Game score will be used to determine a winner and a loser after the first half of play is complete.

ii. Game score will be used to determine a winner and a loser at the start of the fourth inning.

  • Forfeits

In the event of a forfeit, the Captain of the forfeiting team must notify the Intramural Coordinator 24 HOURS in advance via email.

Forfeit penalties are as followed:

1. First forfeit without notification: One Loss and deduction of 1 point on Season Sportsmanship Rating Average. (Affects Playoffs)

2. First forfeit with notification: One Loss

3. Second forfeit with or without notification: Expulsion from the league.

Forfeits are defined as:

1. Failure to attend game/match.

2. Not meeting the roster requirement for each sport 10 minutes after game time.

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