Administrative Policies and Procedures


  1. Assumption of Risk

Department of Intramural Sports and Recreation will not accept responsibility for injuries sustained while participating in Intramurals, Sport Clubs, Special Events, or Informal Recreation activities. Medical costs are constantly rising, and the expense of an unforeseen accident can seriously delay or even destroy a student’s academic career. The Department of Intramural and Recreation hopes that all students are protected against such a misfortune, and strongly suggest that students not currently covered by a health and accident insurance policy obtain that coverage as soon as possible. Additionally, participation in intramural activities is on a voluntary basis. Prior to participating in any intramural activity, all team members must read and sign the waiver section on the Intramural Registration Form.

  • Non-Discriminatory Clause

The Department of Intramural Sports and Recreation is committed to providing recreational opportunities to all students. Discrimination in any activity is strictly prohibited on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, handicap, marital status, religion, or veteran status. For additional information please refer to the Student Code of Conduct at:
  • Ethnic Intimidation Policy

The Intramural Program is committed to providing activities and programs that are open to all people and free of discrimination. If you feel that you have been the victim of intimidation or harassment please:

1. Report the incident to the Director, Program Coordinator and/or supervisor on duty at the intramural activity.

2. Personally report the incident to the Program Coordinator or Director of the Department of Intramural Sports and Recreation the next business day.

Whenever an individual at University Maryland Eastern Shore is charged with one of the applicable criminal offenses, and the infraction is committed with “malicious intent” towards a particular race, color, religion, or national origin of another individual or group, the offense shall be reported by the officers of the University to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. University Maryland Eastern Shore will fully cooperate with these agencies in investigating and prosecuting the offender.

  • Taunting Policy

The following policies pertain to taunting:

1. Taunting includes any actions or comments by participants, coaches or spectators which are indented to bait, anger, embarrass, ridicule, or demean other. Examples of taunting include but are not limited to; “trash talk” defined as verbal communications of a personal nature directed by a participant to an opponent by which is likely to provoke an altercation.

2. Taunting also includes physical intimidation outside the spirit of the game including “in the face” confrontation by one player to another and standing over a fallen player.

3. Intramural Officials are directed by Department of Intramural Sports and Recreation to consider taunting a flagrant unsportsmanlike foul that disqualifies the offending participant or captain from the day of competition. Additionally, the offender shall be subject to disciplinary actions from Department of Intramural Sports and Recreation which may involve expulsion from the Intramural Program.

4. A warning shall be given to both teams by game officials prior to the game.

5. Spectators will receive one warning for taunting. Spectators who continue to taunt players, officials, or other spectators are subject to ejection from intramural competition and will be asked to leave the premises.

  • Hazing Policy

The hazing of a student at University Maryland Eastern Shore is strictly prohibited.

University Maryland Eastern Shore defines hazing as an act that is an explicit or implicit condition for initiation to, admission into, affiliation with, or continued membership in a group or organization.

Hazing is a broad term encompassing any action or activity which does not contribute to the positive development of a person; which inflicts or intends to cause physical or mental harm or anxieties; and/or which demeans, degrades, or disgraces any person regardless of location, intent or consent of participants.

Hazing can arise in the intramural arena perhaps more readily than with the general student body. The Intramural Sports and Recreational Services department has a zero tolerance policy for hazing. Participants found to have engaged in hazing will face serious consequences as would any person(s) who condones or allows it.

  • Student Code of Conduct

Intramural participants are required to abide by all University Student Code of Conduct guidelines. Based on Intramural policies the Student Code of Conduct is in effect while participating in intramural competitions. Each intramural participant should review the entire Student Code of Conduct. For a complete listing of student on behavior, the entire document can be found on the web at:
  • Drug and Alcohol Policy

In accordance with the University Maryland Eastern Shore Policy any drug and alcohol use will be reported to the University Disciplinary Committee. The policy can be found in its entirety on the web at:

Pursuant to University-wide Drug and Alcohol Policy revisions of June 2003, the Department of Campus Recreation will enforce and abide by the following:

“The use, possession and/or under the influence of any form of alcohol or drugs at a Department of Athletic and Recreational event (intramurals, sport clubs, informal recreation, etc.) is prohibited. An individual involved in violation of this policy will be written up and referred to Campus Safety Services for possible University Disciplinary Committee or criminal action. The student will also be suspended from current recreational activity as determined by the Department of Campus Recreation pending the disposition of the disciplinary review. Alcohol/drugs are prohibited in/at any of the recreational facilities.”

  • Smoking/Tobacco products

Smoking and the use of any tobacco products is strictly prohibited at all recreational areas. Violators will be asked to leave the premises.

  1. Intramural Fighting Policy

The Department of Intramural Sports and Recreation will not tolerate fighting. Individuals involved in violations of University of Maryland Eastern Shore fighting policies will automatically be referred to the University of Maryland Eastern Shore Disciplinary Committee. To ensure appropriate behavior, students should refer Student Code of Conduct.

  • Cheating Policy

Any player found cheating will be suspended from the Intramural Program for a total of one calendar year. In the event of gross violations the participants may be permanently prohibited from participating in intramural activities.

Examples of cheating include:

1. Participating under an assumed name

2. Participating while currently under suspension form the Intramural Program

3. Participating for more than one team

4. Fraudulently using another person’s ID

5. Misrepresenting scores

K. Ejection

1. Any player or coach receiving an ejection must meet with the Intramural Coordinator before participating in the next intramural competition.

2. Penalties for ejection may include suspension and/or probation for a period of one game up to an entire academic year.

3. A player may submit an appeal for his/her suspension; however, that player may not participate in any intramural competition while the appeal is in review.

4. In the case of extreme misconduct, team and/or individuals will be referred to the University Disciplinary Committee.

  • Protests

Protests must be made by the team captain. Protests may not be made on an official’s judgment or call during a contest. (A team may not protest an official’s call during participation)

Protests will be reviewed for the following reasons:

1. Failure to impose the correct penalty for a given violation

2. Matters of eligibility

Procedure to lodge a protest:

1. The team captain must email the protest by 12:00pm the next business day to the Intramural Director.

2. Written protests should include the following: captain’s name, team name, sport, game date, time and location of game, and specifically what you are protesting.

3. If this process is not followed, the protest will be void.

M. Appeals

The appeal process exists to ensure that rulings or disciplinary actions taken against Intramural teams or individuals are equitable. The person/council/committee to which a decision is appealed will review the previous decision and rule on its appropriateness given the infraction(s) or circumstances surrounding the specific case. As with any appeal, the person/council/committee may decide to lessen the penalty, uphold the previous decision, or increase the penalty levied by the staff or council.

Appeal recommendation is reviewed and decided upon by the Intramural Coordinator. The Department of Intramural and Recreation has final decision on all intramural appeals.

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