Research Vision and Mission

Brad Stevens, Ph.D., Distinguished Research Scientist for the NOAA LMRCSC.

Research is essential to the overall mission and vision of the LMRCSC. Through its research, the LMRCSC trains future scientists, contributes to NOAA’s mission and supports the sustainable harvest and conservation of our nation’s living marine resources. Five key research themes drive the research conducted by scientists and students at the institutions who are part of the LMRCSC. This level of collaboration strengthens the research capacity of each institution and offers a collective multitude of intellectual and scientific resources, greater than what is available individually. 

Research Vision

Diversity, innovation, and collaboration in the Marine Sciences

Research Mission

The Mission of research within the LMRCSC is to train world-class marine scientists who conduct innovative and collaborative research using a diversity of skills and approaches, in the following fields:

  • Quantitative Fisheries
  • Essential Fish Habitat
  • Aquaculture
  • Fisheries Socioeconomics

TAB Research Projects

Scientists from each of the LMRCSC partner institutions can submit proposals for research funding to the Technical Advisory Board (TAB). The board reviews the project proposals and recommends the top candidates for funding. Learn more about the current TAB-funded research projects, the funding process and past projects.  

NOAA Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center
University of Maryland Eastern Shore (Lead Institution)
(410) 651-7870
Award numbers: FY 2011 Award #NA11SEC4810002
Funding Agency: NOAA Educational Partnership Program
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