NOAA LMRCSC Board of Visitors members at their 2015 meeting. 

The Administrative component includes the Center Director, Assistant Center Director, Executive Committee (EC), Center Core Administration (CCA) and the Board of Visitors (BOV).

Center Director: Paulinus Chigbu is Professor of Marine and Fisheries Sciences and Director of the NOAA LMRCSC at UMES, a position he has held since 2006. He provides executive leadership, strategic communications and visibility, and manages, plans, coordinates, organizes, implements, reports, and monitors LMRCSC finances. Further responsibilities include administration, education, scientific research, engagement and recruitment, retention and graduation of students at the center. He develops comprehensive reporting for all LMRCSC sponsored activities, and secures leveraged funding to make the LMRCSC sustainable. He is also Project Director of an REU site in Marine and Estuarine Sciences funded by NSF, geoscience bridge program funded by NSF, and the NSF CREST Center for an Integrated Study of Coastal Ecosystem Processes and Dynamics in the Mid-Atlantic region, all of which were leveraged with NOAA LMRCSC funds. He received his Ph.D. degree in fisheries from the University of Washington, Seattle, through a Fulbright Scholarship, and currently serves on the National Sea Grant Advisory Board.

Assistant Center Director: An Assistant Director will assist the Director in the administration of the LMRCSC. He/she will act on behalf of the Center Director as necessary. Among his or her responsibilities will be day-to-day Center administration, budget tracking, oversight of coordination for execution of all Center Plans and timelines, meetings, engagement with internal and external groups to promote the Center, and development of key messaging for Center accessibility and visibility, and a robust matrix of communication within the Center, lead institution, and with the Center’s partners and funding agency. 

Distinguished Research Scientist: Dr. Bradley Stevens is the Distinguished Research Scientist (DRS) at the LMRCSC, a position he has held since 2009. He received his doctorate in Fisheries Science from the University of Washington. From 1984 to 2006 he worked for the NOAA/NMFS in Kodiak Alaska, where he was Task Leader for Bering Sea Crab stock assessment. In 2006 he joined the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, where he developed and taught a class in Fisheries Survey Sampling, and in 2009 he joined the LMRCSC at UMES. He allocates to the Center-wide level coordination, leadership and management of Center research at all levels. He is responsible for developing and managing significant research projects for the LMRCSC, including its partnering academic institutions; leads the development and assessment of the LMRCSC Science Plan, coordinates the annual science meeting; and facilitates and coordinates scientific research between NOAA and LMRCSC scientists, including scientists at other NOAA EPP Cooperative Science Centers. Additionally, he leads, organizes and conducts scientific meetings, secures funding from external sources, and mentors students. 

Communication and Outreach Specialist: Ms. Anne Dudley serves as the Communication and Outreach Specialist for the LMRCSC. With support from a staff assistant, she manages the LMRCSC education, research, student tracking data and information systems, communicates center achievements for high visibility with internal and external stakeholders, and manages the center web site. She is responsible for facilitating the process that produces the Center performance report and the annual LMRCSC student tracker deliverables. In addition, she is responsible for increased public access to results from LMRCSC research. Ms. Dudley has a M.A. in Public Relations, and a B.A. in Communication Studies from Kent State University.

Education Expert: An Education Expert will be hired and will devote of his/her time to center-wide level leadership and coordination to ensure that all Center-supported students are successfully following the Center’s Education Plan including, education, training, experiential and professional development to attain the working skills and competencies for the agency mission future workforce. The Education Expert will also be responsible for leading Center outcomes aligned to support the CSC program purpose, priorities and expected outcomes. Dr. Keenya Mosley, an Assistant Professor in the School of Teacher Education at SSU will serve as the Interim Education Expert until the position is filled. She has a Ph.D. in Urban Higher Education from Jackson State University and is currently the Coordinator of Post-Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate Program at SSU. 

Executive Committee (EC): The EC is chaired by the Center Director/PI and consists of the Assistant Center Director, Distinguished Research Scientist, Project Directors from each Center institution, Education Expert and Data, Information, and Communication Manager. The EC provides direct oversight and advice to the Center Director. This body meets monthly.

Center Core Administration (CCA) at UMES:
 The CCA is chaired by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and consists of a representative from the Office of the President, the UMES’ Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Vice President for Research and Economic Development, Dean of the School of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, Chair of the Department of Natural Sciences, LMRCSC Director, DRS, and the Assistant Center Director. Through CCA meetings, the Center Director interacts directly with the offices of the President, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Administrative Affairs, the Dean and the Chair of the Department of Natural Sciences at UMES. The purpose of this body is to discuss, identify and resolve administrative affairs that pertain to the Center. The CCA meets quarterly or as needed. Decisions of the CCA are reported to the EC.

Board of Visitors (BOV): The BOV develops the Memorandum of Understanding, reviews Center policies and procedures, and work plans for each year. Additionally, the Board addresses and resolves higher-level administrative issues associated with cooperative arrangements between academic institutions. BOV membership consists of Presidents of Center institutions or their designees, NOAA representatives from NMFS, and the Center Director who is an ex-officio member and a resource person. The BOV meets once a year at the general Center meeting. The BOV is chaired by the President of UMES.

External Advisory Committee (EAC): Members of the EAC committee are: Dr. James Nance (NOAA Galveston Lab), Dr. Barry Costa-Pierce (University of New England), Dr. Michael Fogarty (NOAA NEFSC Woods Hole, MA), Dr. Jeffrey Silverstein (USDA, Beltsville, MD), and Mr. Doug Wilson (NOAA Chesapeake Bay Lab.). The EAC participates in the LMRCSC annual Science meetings, reviews center research thematic areas, RFPs, and Strategic Plan document and offers suggestions for improvement of the Center.

Research Committee: The committee is comprised of representatives from each of the Center partner institutions and is chaired by the LMRCSC DRS. The committee helps to foster research collaborations, develop center-wide research projects and lead Center efforts to develop proposals to seek funding for research from various agencies.

NOAA Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center
University of Maryland Eastern Shore (Lead Institution)
(410) 651-7870
Award numbers: FY 2011 Award #NA11SEC4810002
Funding Agency: NOAA Educational Partnership Program
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