Publications (FY 2011 Award)

LMRCSC Publications by Year

Each year, NOAA LMRCSC faculty, scientists and students conduct, present and publish their research, which is funded by the Center’s TAB Process or external sources. Below is a list of faculty research by institution and year. The publications listed below reflect research conducted during the FY2011 award. 


Hampton University

Braun, C. D.; Kaplan, M. B.; Horodysky, A. Z.; Llopiz, J. K. Satellite Telemetry Reveals Physical Processes Driving Billfish Behavior. Anim. Biotelemetry 20153 (1), 2.

Horodysky, A. Z.; Cooke, S. J.; Brill, R. W. Physiology in the Service of Fisheries Science: Why Thinking Mechanistically Matters. Rev. Fish Biol. Fish. 201525 (3), 425-447.

McComb, D. M.; Kajiura, S. M.; Horodysky, A. Z.; Frank, T. M. Comparative Visual Function in Predatory Fishes from the Indian River Lagoon. Physiol. Biochem. Zool 2015.86 (3), 285-297.

Oregon State University

Bond, M. H.; Miller, J. A.; Quinn, T. P. Beyond Dichotomous Life Histories in Partially Migrating Populations: Cessation of Anadromy in a Long-Lived Fish. Ecology 201596 (7), 1899-1910.

Hart, L. M.; Bond, M. H.; May-McNally, S. L.; Miller, J. A.; Quinn, T. P. Use of Otolith Microchemistry and Stable Isotopes to Investigate the Ecology and Anadromous Migrations of Northern Dolly Varden from the Egegik River, Bristol Bay, Alaska. Environ. Biol. Fishes 201598 (6), 1633-1643.

Mathis, J. T.; Cooley, S. R.; Lucey, N.; Colt, S.; Ekstrom, J.; Hurst, T.; Hauri, C.; Evans, W.; Cross, J. N.; Feely, R. A. Ocean Acidification Risk Assessment for Alaska’s Fishery Sector. Prog. Oceanogr. 2015136, 71-91.

Piacenza, S. E.; Thurman, L. L.; Barner, A. K.; Benkwitt, C. E.; Boersma, K. S.; Cerny-Chipman, E. B.; Ingeman, K. E.; Kindinger, T. L.; Lindsley, A. J.; Nelson, J.; Reimer, J. N.; Rowe, J. C.; Shen, C.; Thompson, K. A.; Heppell, S. S. Evaluating Temporal Consistency in Marine Biodiversity Hotspots. PLoS One. 201510 (7).

Sard, N. M.; O’Malley, K. G.; Jacobson, D. P.; Hogansen, M. J.; Johnson, M. A.; Banks, M. A. Factors Influencing Spawner Success in a Spring Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) Reintroduction Program. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2015, 9 (2) 

Tomaszewicz, C. N. T.; Seminoff, J. A.; Ramirez, M. D.; Kurle, C. M. Effects of Demineralization on the Stable Isotope Analysis of Bone Samples. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 201529 (20), 1879-1888.

University of Miami RSMAS

Babcock, E. A.; Harford, W. J.; Coleman, R.; Gibson, J.; Maaz, J.; Foley, J. R.; Gongora, M. Bayesian Depletion Model Estimates of Spiny Lobster Abundance at Two Marine Protected Areas in Belize with or without in-Season Recruitment. ICES J. Mar. Sci. J. du Cons. 201572, 232-i243.

Councill, E. L.; Die, D. J. The Relative Importance of Subpopulation Connectivity and the Age Distribution of Mortality in Exploited Marine Fish Populations. Ecol. Modell. 2015312, 247-255.

Harford, W. J.; Ton, C.; Babcock, E. A. Simulated Mark-Recovery for Spatial Assessment of a Spiny Lobster (Panulirus Argus) Fishery. Fish. Res. 2015165, 42-53.

Ortiz de Zárate, V.; Babcock, E. A. Estimating Individual Growth Variability in Albacore (Thunnus Alalunga) from the North Atlantic Stock: Aging for Assessment Purposes. Fish. Res. 2015.

Santos, R. O.; Lirman, D.; Pittman, S. J. Long-Term Spatial Dynamics in Vegetated Seascapes: Fragmentation and Habitat Loss in a Human-Impacted Subtropical Lagoon. Mar. Ecol. 2015.

Savannah State University

Brinton, B. A.; Curran, M. C. The Effect of Temperature on Synchronization of Brood Development of the Bopyrid Isopod Parasite Probopyrus Pandalicola with Molting of Its Host, the Daggerblade Grass Shrimp Palaemonetes Pugio. J. Parasitol. 2015101 (4), 398-404.

Sherman, M. B.; Curran, M. C. Sexual Sterilization of the Daggerblade Grass Shrimp Palaemonetes Pugio (Decapoda: Palaemonidae) by the Bopyrid Isopod Probopyrus Pandalicola (Isopoda: Bopyridae). J. Parasitol. 2015101 (1), 1-5.

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Adolf, J. E.; Bachvaroff, T. R.; Deeds, J. R.; Place, A. R. Ichthyotoxic Karlodinium Veneficum (Ballantine) J Larsen in the Upper Swan River Estuary (Western Australia): Ecological Conditions Leading to a Fish Kill. Harmful Algae 201548, 83-93.

Chi, Y.; Chen, F.; Takiguchi, Y. Effect of Nitrogen Source on Biomass and Lipid Production of a Marine Microalga, Nannochloropsis Oceanica IMET1. Green Sustain. Chem. 201505 (02), 101-106.

Deeds, J. R.; Hoesch, R. E.; Place, A. R.; Kao, J. P. Y. The Cytotoxic Mechanism of Karlotoxin 2 (KmTx 2) from Karlodinium Veneficum (Dinophyceae). Aquat. Toxicol. 2015159, 148-155.

Johnson, R. B.; Kim, S.-K.; Watson, A. M.; Barrows, F. T.; Kroeger, E. L.; Nicklason, P. M.; Goetz, G. W.; Place, A. R. Effects of Dietary Taurine Supplementation on Growth, Feed Efficiency, and Nutrient Composition of Juvenile Sablefish (Anoplopoma Fimbria) Fed Plant Based Feeds. Aquaculture 2015445, 79-85.

Jones, G. D.; Williams, E. P.; Place, A. R.; Jagus, R.; Bachvaroff, T. R. The Alveolate Translation Initiation Factor 4E Family Reveals a Custom Toolkit for Translational Control in Core Dinoflagellates. BMC Evol. Biol. 201515 (1), 14.

Loh, T.-L.; McMurray, S. E.; Henkel, T. P.; Vicente, J.; Pawlik, J. R. Indirect Effects of Overfishing on Caribbean Reefs: Sponges Overgrow Reef-Building Corals. PeerJ 20153.

Rigaud, S.; Stewart, G.; Baskaran, M.; Marsan, D.; Church, T. 210Po and 210Pb Distribution, Dissolved-Particulate Exchange Rates, and Particulate Export along the North Atlantic US GEOTRACES GA03 Section. Deep Sea Res. Part II Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 2015116, 60-78.

Seger, A.; Dorantes-Aranda, J.; Müller, M.; Body, A.; Peristyy, A.; Place, A.; Park, T.; Hallegraeff, G. Mitigating Fish-Killing Prymnesium Parvum Algal Blooms in Aquaculture Ponds with Clay: The Importance of pH and Clay Type. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 20153 (2), 154-174.

Thongda, W.; Chung, J. S.; Tsutsui, N.; Zmora, N.; Katenta, A. Seasonal Variations in Reproductive Activity of the Blue Crab, Callinectes Sapidus: Vitellogenin Expression and Levels of Vitellogenin in the Hemolymph during Ovarian Development. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A. Mol. Integr. Physiol. 2015179, 35-43.

Vicente, J.; Silbiger, N. J.; Beckley, B. A.; Raczkowski, C. W.; Hill, R. T. Impact of High P CO 2 and Warmer Temperatures on the Process of Silica Biomineralization in the Sponge Mycale Grandis. ICES J. Mar. Sci. J. du Cons. 2015.

Vicente, J.; Stewart, A. K.; van Wagoner, R. M.; Elliott, E.; Bourdelais, A. J.; Wright, J. L. C. Monacyclinones, New Angucyclinone Metabolites Isolated from Streptomyces Sp. M7_15 Associated with the Puerto Rican Sponge Scopalina Ruetzleri. Mar. Drugs 201513 (8), 4682-4700.

University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Duan, S.; Chen, N.; Kaushal, S. S.; Chigbu, P.; Ishaque, A.; May, E.; Oseji, O. F. Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Total Dissolved Nitrogen in Maryland’s Coastal Bays. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 2015164, 451-462.

Jiang, L.; Xia, M.; Ludsin, S. A.; Rutherford, E. S.; Mason, D. M.; Marin Jarrin, J.; Pangle, K. L. Biophysical Modeling Assessment of the Drivers for Plankton Dynamics in Dreissenid-Colonized Western Lake Erie. Ecol. Modell. 2015308, 18-33.

Niu, Q.; Xia, M.; Rutherford, E. S.; Mason, D. M.; Anderson, E. J.; Schwab, D. J. Investigation of Interbasin Exchange and Interannual Variability in Lake Erie Using an Unstructured-Grid Hydrodynamic Model. J. Geophys. Res. Ocean. 2015120 (3), 2212-2232.


Delaware State University

García Ríos, C. I.; Pérez Pérez, N. M.; Fernández López, J.; Fuentes, F. A. Calibrando Un Reloj Molecular Para Quitones (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) Utilizando El Gen Mitocondrial Que Codifica Para El Citocromo Oxidasa I. Rev. Biol. Mar. Oceanogr. 201449 (2), 193-207.

Haponski, A. E.; Dean, H.; Blake, B. E.; Stepien, C. A. Genetic History of Walleyes Spawning in Lake Erie’s Cattaraugus Creek: A Comparison of Pre- and Poststocking. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 2014143 (5), 1295-1307.

Janiak, C. R.; McIntosh, D. Performance of Two Egg Collector Designs for Use with Mummichogs. N. Am. J. Aquac. 201476 (4), 399-406.

Kocovsky, P.; Stoneman, A.; Kraus, R. Ecology and Population Status of Trout-Perch (Percopsis Omiscomaycus) in Western Lake Erie. J. Great Lakes Res. 201440, 208-214.

Ozbay, G.; Chambliss, S. S.; Wikfors, G. H.; Adolf, J. E.; Chintapenta, L. K.; Place, A. R. The Growth Response of Prorocentrum Minimum Pavill. (Dinophyta) to Karlotoxin Exposure. Int. J. Algae 201416 (1), 95-105.

Phillips, K. F.; Mansfield, K. L.; Die, D. J.; Addison, D. S. Survival and Remigration Probabilities for Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta Caretta) Nesting in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. Mar. Biol. 2014161 (4), 863-870.

Hampton University

Adams, A. J.; Horodysky, A. Z.; McBride, R. S.; Guindon, K.; Shenker, J.; MacDonald, T. C.; Harwell, H. D.; Ward, R.; Carpenter, K. Global Conservation Status and Research Needs for Tarpons (Megalopidae), Ladyfishes (Elopidae) and Bonefishes (Albulidae). Fish Fish. 201415 (2), 280-311.

Kalinoski, M.; Hirons, A.; Horodysky, A.; Brill, R. Spectral Sensitivity, Luminous Sensitivity, and Temporal Resolution of the Visual Systems in Three Sympatric Temperate Coastal Shark Species. J. Comp. Physiol. A. Neuroethol. Sens. Neural. Behav. Physiol. 2014200 (12), 997-1013.

Oregon State University

Arnold, L. M.; Heppell, S. S. Testing the Robustness of Data-Poor Assessment Methods to Uncertainty in Catch and Biology: A Retrospective Approach. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 201472 (1), 243-250.

Ciannelli, L.; Hunsicker, M.; Beaudreau, A.; Bailey, K.; Crowder, L. B.; Finley, C.; Webb, C.; Reynolds, J.; Sagmiller, K.; Anderies, J. M.; Hawthorne, D.; Parrish, J.; Heppell, S.; Conway, F.; Chigbu, P. Transdisciplinary Graduate Education in Marine Resource Science and Management. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 201471 (5), 1047-1051.

Claiborne, A.; Miller, J.; Weitkamp, L.; Teel, D.; Emmett, R. Evidence for Selective Mortality in Marine Environments: The Role of Fish Migration Size, Timing, and Production Type. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 2014515, 187-202.

Daly, E. A.; Scheurer, J. A.; Brodeur, R. D.; Weitkamp, L. A.; Beckman, B. R.; Miller, J. A. Juvenile Steelhead Distribution, Migration, Feeding, and Growth in the Columbia River Estuary, Plume, and Coastal Waters. Mar. Coast. Fish. 2014.

Gruss, A.; Robinson, J.; Heppell, S. S.; Heppell, S. A.; Semmens, B. X. Conservation and Fisheries Effects of Spawning Aggregation Marine Protected Areas: What We Know, Where We Should Go, and What We Need to Get There. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 201471 (7), 1515-1534.

Hurst, T. P.; Cooper, D. W.; Duffy-Anderson, J. T.; Farley, E. V. Contrasting Coastal and Shelf Nursery Habitats of Pacific Cod in the Southeastern Bering Sea. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 201472 (2), 515-527.

Losee, J. P.; Miller, J. A.; Peterson, W. T.; Teel, D. J.; Jacobson, K. C.; Rosenfeld, J. Influence of Ocean Ecosystem Variation on Trophic Interactions and Survival of Juvenile Coho and Chinook Salmon. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 201471 (11), 1747-1757.

Miller, J. A.; DiMaria, R. A.; Hurst, T. P. Patterns of Larval Source Distribution and Mixing in Early Life Stages of Pacific Cod (Gadus Macrocephalus) in the Southeastern Bering Sea. Deep Sea Res. Part II Top. Stud. Oceanogr. 2014.

Pikitch, E. K.; Rountos, K. J.; Essington, T. E.; Santora, C.; Pauly, D.; Watson, R.; Sumaila, U. R.; Boersma, P. D.; Boyd, I. L.; Conover, D. O.; Cury, P.; Heppell, S. S.; Houde, E. D.; Mangel, M.; Plagányi, É.; Sainsbury, K.; Steneck, R. S.; Geers, T. M.; Gownaris, N.; Munch, S. B. The Global Contribution of Forage Fish to Marine Fisheries and Ecosystems. Fish Fish. 201415 (1), 43-64.

Sampson, D. B. Fishery Selection and Its Relevance to Stock Assessment and Fishery   Management. Fish. Res. 2014158, 5-14.

Senko, J.; White, E. R.; Heppell, S. S.; Gerber, L. R. Comparing Bycatch Mitigation Strategies for   Vulnerable Marine Megafauna. Anim. Conserv. 201417 (1), 5-18.

Thompson, K. A.; Heppell, S. S.; Thompson, G. G.; Tonn, W. The Effects of Temperature and Predator Densities on the Consumption of Walleye Pollock ( Gadus Chalcogrammus ) by Three Groundfish in the Gulf of Alaska. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 201471 (8), 1123-1133.

Waterhouse, L.; Sampson, D. B.; Maunder, M.; Semmens, B. X. Using Areas-as-Fleets Selectivity to Model Spatial Fishing: Asymptotic Curves Are Unlikely under Equilibrium Conditions. Fish. Res. 2014158, 15-25.

University of Miami RSMAS

Die, D. J.; Sculley, M.; Lauretta, M. Simulating Tagging of Tropical Tuna in the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean. ICCAT 201470 (6), 2710-2724.

Karnauskas, M.; Babcock, E. A. An Analysis of Indicators for the Detection of Effects of Marine Reserve Protection on Fish Communities. Ecol. Indic. 201446, 454-465.

Lirman, D.; Thyberg, T.; Santos, R. O.; Schopmeyer, S.; Bellmund, S.; Serafy, J.; Collado, L. No TStatus and Trends of SAV Communities along the Western Shoreline of Biscayne Bay, Miami, Florida, US: Human and Natural Drivers of Seagrass and Macroalgae Abundance and Distributionitle. Estuaries and Coasts 201437 (5), 1243-1255.

Savannah State University

Garcia, R. N.; Chung, K. W.; DeLorenzo, M. E.; Curran, M. C. Individual and Mixture Effects of Caffeine and Sulfamethoxazole on the Daggerblade Grass Shrimp Palaemonetes Pugio Following Maternal Exposure. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 201433 (9), 2120-2125.

Gerido, L.; Curran, M. C. Enhancing Science Instruction through Student-Created PowerPoint Presentations. Am. Biol. Teach. 201476 (9), 627-631.

Perrtree, R. M.; Kovacs, C. J.; Cox, T. M. Standardization and Application of Metrics to Quantify Human-Interaction Behaviors by the Bottlenose Dolphin ( Tursiops Spp.). Mar. Mammal Sci. 201430 (4), 1320-1334.

University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Ciannelli, L.; Hunsicker, M.; Beaudreau, A.; Bailey, K.; Crowder, L. B.; Finley, C.; Webb, C.; Reynolds, J.; Sagmiller, K.; Anderies, J. M.; Hawthorne, D.; Parrish, J.; Heppell, S.; Conway, F.; Chigbu, P. Transdisciplinary Graduate Education in Marine Resource Science and Management. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 201471 (5), 1047-1051.

Rodgers, C.; Parveen, S.Chigbu, P.; Jacobs, J.; Rhodes, M.; Harter-Dennis, J. Prevalence of Vibrio Parahaemolyticus, and Vibrio Vulnificus in Blue Crabs (Callinectes Sapidus), Seawater and Sediments of the Maryland Coastal Bays. J. Appl. Microbiol. 2014117 (4), 1198-1209.

Stevens, B. G., ed. 2014. King Crabs of the World: Biology and Fisheries Management. CRC Press (Taylor and Francis), Boca Raton, FL. 608 pp.

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Blasiak, L. C.; Schmidt, A. W.; Andriamiarinoro, H.; Mulaw, T.; Rasolomampianina, R.; Applequist, W. L.; Birkinshaw, C.; Rejo-Fienena, F.; Lowry, P. P.; Schmidt, T. M.; Hill, R. T. Bacterial Communities in Malagasy Soils with Differing Levels of Disturbance Affecting Botanical Diversity. PLoS One 20149 (1).

Blasiak, L. C.; Zinder, S. H.; Buckley, D. H.; Hill, R. T. Bacterial Diversity Associated with the Tunic of the Model Chordate Ciona Intestinalis. ISME J. 20148 (2), 309-320.

Chung, J. S. An Insulin-like Growth Factor Found in Hepatopancreas Implicates Carbohydrate Metabolism of the Blue Crab Callinectes Sapidus. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 2014199, 56-64.

Davis, J.; Hill, R. T. Draft Genome Sequence of Hawaiian Sea Slug Symbiont Vibrio Sp. Strain ER1A. Genome Announc. 20142 (4), 14.

Li, J.; Han, D.; Wang, D.; Ning, K.; Jia, J.; Wei, L.; Jing, X.; Huang, S.; Chen, J.; Li, Y.; Hu, Q.; Xu, J. Choreography of Transcriptomes and Lipidomes of Nannochloropsis Reveals the Mechanisms of Oil Synthesis in Microalgae. Plant Cell 201426 (4), 1645-1665.

Marsan, D.; Rigaud, S.; Church, T. Natural Radionuclides (210)Po and (210)Pb in the Delaware and Chesapeake Estuaries: Modeling Scavenging Rates and Residence Times. J. Environ. Radioact. 2014138, 447-455.

Marsan, D.; Wommack, K. E.; Ravel, J.; Chen, F. Draft Genome Sequence of Synechococcus Sp. Strain CB0101, Isolated From the Chesapeake Bay Estuary. Genome Announc. 20142 (1), 1111-1113.

Montalvo, N. F.; Davis, J.; Vicente, J.; Pittiglio, R.; Ravel, J.; Hill, R. T. Integration of Culture-Based and Molecular Analysis of a Complex Sponge-Associated Bacterial Community. PLoS One 20149 (3), 90517.

Place, A. R.; Munday, R.; Munday, J. S. Acute Toxicity of Karlotoxins to Mice. Toxicon 201490, 184-190.

Bacillus Sp. Strain RP1137. Genome Announc. 20142 (1), 973-13.

Powell, R. J.; White, R.; Hill, R. T. Merging Metabolism and Power: Development of a Novel Photobioelectric Device Driven by Photosynthesis and Respiration. PLoS One 20149 (1), 86518.

Schreier, H. J.; Schott, E. J. Draft Genome Sequence of the Shellfish Bacterial Pathogen Vibrio Sp. Strain B183. Genome Announc. 20142 (5), e00914-14.

Vicente, J.; Zea, S.; Powell, R. J.; Pawlik, J. R.; Hill, R. T. New Epizooic Symbioses between Sponges of the Genera Plakortis and Xestospongia in Cryptic Habitats of the Caribbean. Mar. Biol. 2014161 (12), 2803-2818.

Wang, D.; Ning, K.; Li, J.; Hu, J.; Han, D.; Wang, H.; Zeng, X.; Jing, X.; Zhou, Q.; Su, X.; Chang, X.; Wang, A.; Wang, W.; Jia, J.; Wei, L.; Xin, Y.; Qiao, Y.; Huang, R.; Chen, J.; Han, B.; Yoon, K.; Hill, R. T.; Zohar, Y.; Chen, F.; Hu, Q.; Xu, J. Nannochloropsis Genomes Reveal Evolution of Microalgal Oleaginous Traits. PLoS Genet. 201410 (1).

Zan, J.; Liu, Y.; Fuqua, C.; Hill, R. T. Acyl-Homoserine Lactone Quorum Sensing in the Roseobacter Clade. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 201415 (1), 654-669.

Zhang, F.; Vicente, J.; Hill, R. T. Temporal Changes in the Diazotrophic Bacterial Communities Associated with Caribbean Sponges Ircinia Stroblina and Mycale Laxissima. Front. Microbiol. 20145, 561.

Zmora, N.; Chung, J. S. A Novel Hormone Is Required for the Development of Reproductive Phenotypes in Adult Female Crabs. Endocrinology 2014155 (1), 230-239.


Hampton University

Montgomery, S. S.; Courtney, A. J.; Braccini, J. M.; Die, D. J.; Troynikov, V. S.; Prosser, A. Stochastic Growth of the Eastern King Prawn (Melicertus Plebejus (Hess, 1865)) Harvested off Eastern Australia. Crustaceana 201386 (6), 651-660.

Saul, S. E.; Walter, J. F.; Die, D. J.; Naar, D. F.; Donahue, B. T. Modeling the Spatial Distribution of Commercially Important Reef Fishes on the West Florida Shelf. Fish. Res. 2013143, 12-20.

Oregon State University

Barceló, C.; Domingo, A.; Miller, P.; Ortega, L.; Giffoni, B.; Sales, G.; McNaughton, L.; Marcovaldi, M.; Heppell, S.; Swimmer, Y. High-Use Areas, Seasonal Movements and Dive Patterns of Juvenile Loggerhead Sea Turtles in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 2013479, 235-250.

Burke, B. J.; Peterson, W. T.; Beckman, B. R.; Morgan, C.; Daly, E. A.; Litz, M. Multivariate Models of Adult Pacific Salmon Returns. PLoS One 20138 (1).

Litz, M. N. C.; Emmett, R. L.; Bentley, P. J.; Claiborne, A. M.; Barcelo, C. Biotic and Abiotic Factors Influencing Forage Fish and Pelagic Nekton Community in the Columbia River Plume (USA) throughout the Upwelling Season 1999-2009. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 201371 (1), 5-18.

Miller, J. A.; Teel, D. J.; Baptista, A.; Morgan, C. A.; Bradford, M. Disentangling Bottom-up and Top-down Effects on Survival during Early Ocean Residence in a Population of Chinook Salmon ( Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha ). Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 201370 (4), 617-629.

Smith, W. D.; Miller, J. A.; Heppell, S. S. Elemental Markers in Elasmobranchs: Effects of Environmental History and Growth on Vertebral Chemistry. PLoS One 20138 (10).

University of Miami RSMAS

Montgomery, S. S.; Courtney, A. J.; Braccini, J. M.; Die, D. J.; Troynikov, V. S.; Prosser, A. Stochastic Growth of the Eastern King Prawn (Melicertus Plebejus (Hess, 1865)) Harvested off Eastern Australia. Crustaceana 201386 (6), 651-660.

Saul, S. E.; Walter, J. F.; Die, D. J.; Naar, D. F.; Donahue, B. T. Modeling the Spatial Distribution of Commercially Important Reef Fishes on the West Florida Shelf. Fish. Res. 2013143, 12-20.

Savannah State University

Moore, j. E.; curtis, k. A.; lewison, r. L.; dillingham, p. W.; cope, j. M.; fordham, s. V.; heppell, s. S.; pardo, s. A.; simpfendorfer, c. A.; tuck, g. N.; zhou, s. Evaluating Sustainability of Fisheries Bycatch Mortality for Marine Megafauna: A Review of Conservation Reference Points for Data-Limited Populations. Environ. Conserv. 201340 (04), 329-344.

Ogburn, M. B.; Criales, M. M.; Thompson, R. T.; Browder, J. A. Endogenous Swimming Activity Rhythms of Postlarvae and Juveniles of the Penaeid Shrimp Farfantepenaeus Aztecus, Farfantepenaeus Duorarum, and Litopenaeus Setiferus. J. Exp. Mar. Bio. Ecol. 2013440, 149-155.

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Davis, J.; Fricke, W. F.; Hamann, M. T.; Esquenazi, E.; Dorrestein, P. C.; Hill, R. T. Characterization of the Bacterial Community of the Chemically Defended Hawaiian Sacoglossan Elysia Rufescens. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 201379 (22), 7073-7081.

Hanif, A. W.; Dyson, W. D.; Bowers, H. A.; Pitula, J. S.; Messick, G. A.; Jagus, R.; Schott, E. J. Variation in Spatial and Temporal Incidence of the Crustacean Pathogen Hematodinium Perezi in Environmental Samples from Atlantic Coastal Bays. Aquat. Biosyst. 20139 (1), 11.

Holland, W. C.; Litaker, R. W.; Tomas, C. R.; Kibler, S. R.; Place, A. R.; Davenport, E. D.; Tester, P. A. Differences in the Toxicity of Six Gambierdiscus (Dinophyceae) Species Measured Using an in Vitro Human Erythrocyte Lysis Assay. Toxicon 201365, 15-33.

Liu, J.; Gerken, H.; Li, Y. Single-Tube Colony PCR for DNA Amplification and Transformant Screening of Oleaginous Microalgae. J. Appl. Phycol. 201326 (4), 1719-1726.

Vicente, J.; Stewart, A.; Song, B.; Hill, R. T.; Wright, J. L. Biodiversity of Actinomycetes Associated with Caribbean Sponges and Their Potential for Natural Product Discovery. Mar. Biotechnol. (NY). 201315 (4), 413-424.

University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Miller, A. S.; Stevens, B. G.; Cadrin, S. X. Effects of Epizootic Shell Disease on Egg Quality of the American Lobster. J. Crustac. Biol. 201333 (4), 461-469.

Morales-Núñez, A. G.; Heard, R. W.; Alfaro, M. A New Species of Pseudoleptochelia Lang, 1973 (Crustacea: Peracarida: Tanaidacea: Leptocheliidae) from the Northwest Atlantic with Observations on the Status of the Genus. Zootaxa. 20133664, 259-282.

Peemoeller, B.-J.; Stevens, B. G. Age, Size, and Sexual Maturity of Channeled Whelk (Busycotypus Canaliculatus) in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts. Fishery Bulletin. February 13, 2013.

Small, H. J.; Miller, T. L.; Coffey, A. H.; Delaney, K. L.; Schott, E.; Shields, J. D. Discovery of an Opportunistic Starfish Pathogen, Orchitophrya Stellarum, in Captive Blue Crabs, Callinectes Sapidus. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 2013114 (2), 178-185.


Hampton University

Graves, J. E.; Horodysky, A. Z.; Kerstetter, D. W. Incorporating Circle Hooks Into Atlantic Pelagic Fisheries: Case Studies from the Commercial Tuna/Swordfish Longline and Recreational Billfish Fisheries. Bull. Mar. Sci. 201288 (3), 411-422.Murray, L.; Gurbisz, C.; Gibson, D.; Woerner, J.; Carruthers, T. Collaborative Partnerships Help Bridge the Gap between Science and Education. Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 201293 (49), 510-511

Oregon State University

Essington, T. E.; Melnychuk, M. C.; Branch, T. A.; Heppell, S. S.; Jensen, O. P.; Link, J. S.; Martell, S. J. D.; Parma, A. M.; Pope, J. G.; Smith, A. D. M. Catch Shares, Fisheries, and Ecological Stewardship: A Comparative Analysis of Resource Responses to a Rights-Based Policy Instrument. Conserv. Lett. 20125 (3), 186-195.

Hurst, T. P.; Moss, J. H.; Miller, J. A. Distributional Patterns of 0-Group Pacific Cod (Gadus Macrocephalus) in the Eastern Bering Sea under Variable Recruitment and Thermal Conditions. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 201269 (2), 163-174.

Melnychuk, M. C.; Essington, T. E.; Branch, T. A.; Heppell, S. S.; Jensen, O. P.; Link, J. S.; Martell, S. J. D.; Parma, A. M.; Pope, J. G.; Smith, A. D. M. Can Catch Share Fisheries Better Track Management Targets? Fish Fish. 201213 (3), 267-290.

Savannah State University

Gunzburger, L.; Curran, M. C. Counting Parasites: Using Shrimp to Teach Students about Estimation. Nat. Sci. Educ. 201242 (1), 9-13.

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Chiou, T.-H.; Place, A. R.; Caldwell, R. L.; Marshall, N. J.; Cronin, T. W. A Novel Function for a Carotenoid: Astaxanthin Used as a Polarizer for Visual Signaling in a Mantis Shrimp. J. Exp. Biol. 2012215 (Pt 4), 584-589.

Chung, J. S.; Maurer, L.; Bratcher, M.; Pitula, J. S.; Ogburn, M. B. Cloning of Aquaporin-1 of the Blue Crab, Callinectes Sapidus: Its Expression during the Larval Development in Hyposalinity. Aquat. Biosyst. 20128 (1), 21.

Hong, J.; Talapatra, S.; Katz, J.; Tester, P. A.; Waggett, R. J.; Place, A. R. Algal Toxins Alter Copepod Feeding Behavior. PLoS One 20127 (5), e36845.

Jagus, R.; Bachvaroff, T. R.; Joshi, B.; Place, A. R. Diversity of Eukaryotic Translational Initiation Factor eIF4E in Protists. Int. J. Genomics 20122012.

Pamuru, R. R.; Rosen, O.; Manor, R.; Chung, J. S.; Zmora, N.; Glazer, L.; Aflalo, E. D.; Weil, S.; Tamone, S. L.; Sagi, A. Stimulation of Molt by RNA Interference of the Molt-Inhibiting Hormone in the Crayfish Cherax Quadricarinatus. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 2012178 (2), 227-236.

Sook Chung, J.; Bachvaroff, T. R.; Trant, J.; Place, A. A Second Copper Zinc Superoxide Dismutase (CuZnSOD) in the Blue Crab Callinectes Sapidus: Cloning and up-Regulated Expression in the Hemocytes after Immune Challenge. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 201232 (1), 16-25.

Tsutsui, N.; Chung, J. S. A Novel Putative Lipoprotein Receptor (CasLpR) in the Hemocytes of the Blue Crab, Callinectes Sapidus: Cloning and up-Regulated Expression after the Injection of LPS and LTA. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 201232 (3), 469-475.

Williams, E. P.; Peer, A. C.; Miller, T. J.; Secor, D. H.; Place, A. R. A Phylogeny of the Temperate Seabasses (Moronidae) Characterized by a Translocation of the Mt-nd6 Gene. J. Fish Biol. 201280 (1), 110-130.

University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Stevens, B. G. Growth of Juvenile Red King Crabs, Paralithodes Camtschaticus, Through Sequential Molts in the Laboratory. J. Crustac. Biol. 201232 (2), 215-222.

Stevens, B. G. Feeding Rate of Juvenile Red King Crabs, Paralithodes Camtschaticus, in the Laboratory: Effects of Temperature, Size, Molting, and Feeding Frequency. Polar Biol. 201235 (12), 1791-1799.

Pitula, J. S.; Dyson, W. D.; Bakht, H. B.; Njoku, I.; Chen, F. Temporal Distribution of Genetically Homogenous “Free-Living” Hematodinium Sp. in a Delmarva Coastal Ecosystem. Aquat. Biosyst. 20128 (1), 16.

Nosakhare, O. K.; Aighewi, I. T.; Chi, A. Y.; Ishaque, A. B.; Mbamalu, G. Land Use-Land Cover Changes in the Lower Eastern Shore Watersheds and Coastal Bays of Maryland: 1986-2006. J. Coast. Res. 2012278, 54-62.

NOAA Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center
University of Maryland Eastern Shore (Lead Institution)
(410) 651-7870
Award numbers: FY 2011 Award #NA11SEC4810002
Funding Agency: NOAA Educational Partnership Program
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