Nicole Kleponis

NOAA-EPP LMRCSC Master’s Graduate 
M.S., Natural Resources
Delaware State University

Nicole Kleponis earned her master’s degree in Natural Resources from Delaware State University in Spring 2020. Her thesis focused on the winter habitat characteristics of the migratory red-throated loon in the Delaware Bay – one of the most important locations for this species. A native of the California coast, Nicole spent much of her childhood camping in the wilderness which is where she fostered her passion for wildlife and grew an interest in protecting ecosystems. Since completing her graduate studies, Nicole plans to return to the west coast and continue to work with species of concern to preserve biodiversity and conserve wild areas. Nicole earned her bachelor’s degree in Animal Science from Bucknell University in Pennsylvania.

Nicole is now employed as a Wildlife Biologist for the United States Department of Agriculture. 

NERTO Project Title: Graduate training techniques in seabird-marine food web interactions

NOAA Mentor: Dr. Jeannette Zamon, NOAA NMFS, Point Adams Research Station, Hammond, OR

Academic Advisor: Dr. Christopher Heckscher


  1. Kleponis, N. & Heckscher, C. (2019). The winter habitat of the protected species, the red-throated loon. Presented at the Pacific Seabird Group Conference, Kauai, HI (2019).
  2. Kleponis, N., Mendez*, D., Heckscher, C. & Smith, S. (2018). Assessing the Relative Abundance of Wintering Red-throated Loon in the Delaware Bay. Presented at the NOAA EPP meeting, Washington, D.C., April 2018. 
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